Saturday 30 May 2020

Together in Isolation (part 11).....

Saturday 23rd May and its really changeable weather. The wind had picked right up again giving Hubby a constant job of anchoring down the fleece more and more hahaha

Oh my word, it's amazing to report that R and E had their 18th birthday!
The day before they came round so we could see them and give them their cards while shouting at a distance in a very very windy garden.
The night before there was a watchparty on Facebook showing them enjoying a great glow party rave! And I was sent this photo

Sunday morning we had a really lovely visit from Son who we haven't seen in the flesh since mother's day and he'd even brought the Easter egg he'd been saving for us. Sitting in the garden at the very safe distance of course we survived the chilly wind.
Sunday afternoon matinee was this,
and needs no explanation I should think. We both loved it.
And Sunday evening was a quick zoom with both my children and all our grandchildren to sing happy birthday to the girls while they had candles and cake!

A bank holiday weekend and I'm sure you are not in the least surprised that it felt just like all the others!

After such an eventful weekend it settled into a very typical (lockdown normal) week. Thank goodness for our garden keeping Hubby busy and he did some serious hedge trimming.

I mentioned to Daughter and R that I'll have nothing exciting to write for the blog so R offered to beat me up, but I reminded her she's not allowed that close, so she suggested beating me up verbally, but there's no photo opportunity in that, so she said she could throw a brick through my window........ nice of  her to want to help but I declined the offer and said our conversation would make an adequate amusing paragraph and thank you!

Hope you are all managing to plod along and take extra care as we gradually start to unlock our lives.


Michelle said...

Love R's attempt to help! You have adult grandchildren eh? I missed their bday. I got confused on the day as I thought I had it wrong when saw the following day folks had wished and had bday celebrations with them (remotely), so wanted to check and then failed to say happy birthday belated or otherwise. And I was right all along. Just rectified this with a text! So very belated by now. Oh well. Better late than never and I know i was thinking of them on their actual bday even if they don't!

That is serious hedge trimming!

We aren't unlocking anything at the moment. Too much contact with the families I work for to feel I can extend the contact chain myself. If they extend the chain then my risk is automatically increased anyway without adding my own extra contact in.

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Very belated birthday wishes are great as it extends the celebrations!