Saturday 16 May 2020

Together in Isolation (part nine)......

Saturday 9th May and the bunting is coming down

Sunday the weather drastically changed as forecast, a lovely warm morning so we walked the 18 laps of the garden. Daughter arrived with shopping, O and dog plus another yummy cake gift.
I'm not joking and you'd never guess one of this cakes main ingredients. (Unless you're friends with Daughter).
The back story is she had a box of mixed cheeses delivered and amongst the variety of yummy ones there was a white stilton with orange and chocolate, she said it was revolting. Not wanting to just throw it away, she added it to cake mix! Who else would even think to do that?
It really is yummy cake, no taste of cheese or chocolate but a hint of orange and the cheese probably improved the texture. My Daughter is a genius!

This week's "stay on your own drive" coffee morning was really brief as it was so cold and so so windy, I kept hiding in the hedge but it didn't help much. The Wednesday workout was mostly cold out there too until the sun popped out from behind a cloud, but we moved more and kept warm.

Having fun and games here today (Thursday). Hubby needs to pick up one of the blood bikes from across town and persuaded me it was ok to take him as I'd not leave the car just drop him off and come home. However, nothing is ever that straightforward, because we haven't used them my car wouldn't start. He just about managed to start his but even with lots of moving them around and jump leads no joy. I won't drive his and no flexibility in picking up the bike so our lovely neighbourA has taken him. He has a big car and Hubby's in the back far left so think they are far enough apart. Most excitement we've had here for ages 😉😲   So I've still not left the house! And I'm counting all that car pushing as today's exercise 🤣
Looks like they are having a long conversation!

Ouch ouch ouch I'm ending this week with a damaged hand.
Yesterday Daughter, R and dog called round to collect stuff and have a garden cuppa while the dog ran which was lovely. They left, as usual, by the garden gate and I, as usual, walk through the house to wave them off from the lounge window.  Rushing through I knocked my middle knuckle on my left hand on the back of a dining room chair. It really hurt and I swore a lot but still managed my wave with a smile (more like grimace through gritted teeth).

And late yesterday afternoon I had a lovely long phone call from an old friend I  haven't spoken to this year apart from Facebook mini comments.

So another mixed week of ups and downs and with government guidelines suggesting a very gradual unlocking....... but think I'm happy staying locked for a bit longer.
Stay alert but stay safe too.


Michelle said...

I wonder where my comment went to? I did express sympathies for your poor hand and hoped t would get better quickly. xx

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Checked the spam folder and not in there!
Appreciate your sympathies xx