Saturday 1 July 2023

Revolving Doors.....

A week ago Daughter needed to research something and paid for two weeks on her Ancestry account, then she went off to be a Tudor and of course Tudors know nothing of such things. I have full access as we do our family stuff together so not wanting to waste what she'd paid for I've added, followed hints, searched and cross referenced...... it's so easy to get in a muddle and I did, so had to undo and redo a few!

Dog with us Friday, Saturday and Sunday with M dropping off and picking up as R had a friend staying for the weekend then R moved in here Sunday night and they'll both sleep over till 2nd July. 

Hubby is signed up to the British Gas energy saving scheme and they are now running "peak save summer Sundays" until September where we get half price electricity between 10am and 4pm. So we cleared all the laundry and at a very sunny breezy 28°C it all dried on the line very quickly. 

Monday coffee morning outside again, definitely chillier than the weekend but still lovely and the dog was very well behaved with everyone. Lunchtime a change to our grandparent hotel bookings as O wanted a break from being a Tudor and as Daughter had to be back just for her afternoon choir job she brought him here. He took up his usual space in the lounge, creating his techy work station, and his usual bedroom to sleep. We always get such lovely debates at the dinner table when R and O are both here, quite an argument about the definition of 'world' this time.

Wednesday was the day for our friendL and former colleague's funeral. Son and fiancé had offered to come here to dog sit so Hubby and I could both go (didn't know O would be here when that was arranged). They arrived early enough for Son to set himself up for his 9am meeting and he mostly worked all day. Hubby took R to work and we left home about 11:30am. The service was at Ipswich crematorium and the hall was more than full with most of our group having to stand, I managed to perch with others on a window sill. It was a true celebration of her life beautifully done. We all moved onto the quey at Woodbridge where we must have been a crowd of more than 100 people! Lots of food and lots of chat and we've now arranged our next lunch together for the x-work team including partners and friendL's husband D. At work FriendL had been an absolute stickler for correct punctuation when proof reading so as well as wearing a purple striped shirt friendBB, our team boss, carried a red pen in his shirt pocket, brilliant.  
Back home and Son and fiancé were out on a walk with both dogs. They stayed to have dinner with us and O (R was eating at work).  They left soon after Hubby got R from work at 8pm. Lovely how both dogs get on well together. A busy day all round. 

Thursday another change to the accommodation here as O wanted to be back at Kentwell before the evening and M (his dad) said he'd take him, picking him up lunchtime so they and D could have lunch together at Felixstowe first. Meanwhile R had told us that after work they were all going to the directors (husband and wife are both directors and I don't know where to put the apostrophe) house for a dinner party and it probably wouldn't finish till the early hours, so she had arranged a lift home (to her house not ours) so at the end of M's day he collected the dog to sleep at home too! 

Having had the funeral of a friend on Wednesday, Thursday a friend of 40 years phoned to say her husband had died. With this family we were more like family than friends with our children growing up together. Very sad. 

Friday and Hubby collected R and the dog from their house and took R to work picking up another work mate on the way. 

Apologies for a very wordy post this week. 
Just two pictures in memory of two friends, one who loved pinks, purples and roses

and the other an incredibly talented modeler sculptor (sadly I don't have any photos of his main art creations at the moment) but he molded my granddaughters hands as a gift, much to our one year old girls annoyance. 
Many years before that he made me this village gifting one each birthday and Christmas. Hopefully you can zoom in and see some of the detail. 
I actually based my whole art 'A level' project on my friend the artist. 

So June went out and July came in and half this year has whizzed by. Note to all and especially to myself to take some time to do absolutely nothing!


Michelle said...

What an emotional week :'-(

Love imagining the dogs happily greeting each other when they get together :-).

MumB / @mumbosh said...

So pleased the dogs get on well together.