Saturday 23 December 2023

A Week For My Friends........

Not the best start to this week as the toothache got worse and my dentist is closed at the weekend. I left a message on their answerphone hoping they can fit me in Monday. Meanwhile it's paracetamol and gum numbing gel. 

Dentist called me at 8.30am Monday and gave me an appointment for 2:45pm. Xray and antibiotics and another appointment for Friday to have the tooth out, so hopefully I'll enjoy my Christmas dinner. Meanwhile I'd lost 2lb over the weekend.... every cloud eh? 

Tuesday was a double dinner day! I was invited to a girls lunch at friendHB's new house together with her two sisters as I'm always treated like another sister. I took a gift and H bought us all gifts, mine was decorated with this cute wooden penguin which is now on my tree. 
She made a yummy buffet and thankfully there were soft things that wouldn't hurt my tooth. Also a buffet was good as I only wanted a small amount without offending her hospitality as two of us were out with another friend in the evening. 

I didn't take photos of either gathering but the evening meal was Italian, in a restaurant none of us had been to before and it was really nice. A good catchup with friendHM and our opportunity to present swap.

Our usual Wednesday group had left it too late to book anywhere special for a Christmas meal so we decided to go to a favourite Turkish restaurant. I ordered the minced lamb skewers which were yummy (and easy to chew) but so much that I only managed to eat about half so asked for a box to bring home the rest. 

Thursday during the day I finished all the wrapping and making the last of the fabric gift bags. In the evening we still have burgers before the virtual quiz (yes we are still doing Jay's quiz each week, just Hubby and me now though) so we had the lamb in buns instead of burgers and so pleased we brought them home. 

Friday Hubby did the last of the grocery shopping very early. If it was left to me I'd definitely book a delivery slot and let someone else do the fighting round the shelves, but Hubby seems to love supermarkets. The rest of the day was free apart from my midday appointment, which was lucky as I got an urgent call from friendTF, she has had problems recently and needed my help. 10am Hubby went to get her and bring her back here, she stayed till 5:30pm and there was various people in and out for her too. In the middle of that I did manage to survive my dental appointment and came home with one less tooth than I went with. 

Eventful week and hopefully the weekend will just be relaxing food prep. All that's left is for me to wish you everything you wish for yourself as we all have different priorities. I'll have all my immediate family around me Christmas day and lots of my extended family here on the 27th and that's always my priority.  Enjoy 💝



Michelle said...

Glad the tropublesome tooth got sorted. I also do not really like shopping, but M does. He will amble up and down every aisle and buy lots of things he won't ever use.

MumB / @mumbosh said...

I could see M's personal shopper service for all those left in a panic paying for your next Christmas hahaha