Saturday 5 March 2022

Happy Stuff.......

WOW Saturday night and with Daughter and O we went to see "Outcast" written and performed by Red Rose Chain youth theatre, their Chainers.
I couldn't put a review any better than Daughter did on Facebook, this is what she said.....

     I went to see this show last night, and I’m not just saying this because my daughter works for this theatre and co-created this show but it is fantastic! 
     Outcast is a play based on the Anglo Saxon tale of Beowulf.  It touches on lots of themes such as the changing role of women in our society, how we treat those different to ourselves, as well as being an epic tale of battles and love. It was adapted from the epic poem by the cast themselves, and spun into an hour and a half of wonderful storytelling. 
     They have three more shows next weekend with some tickets still left.  
Red Rose Chain ❤️
This was my first live theatre outing since 2019 and it was perfect. Powerful performances from the whole cast, expecially R, and we know the huge amount of input R had in the creating, writing and production of this. R was also interviewed  for the local newspaper. So so proud of her. It was so good and knowing friendKK would enjoy it I bought two more tickets for Friday evening. Apart from the slight glitch of friendKK not seeing my message about "tickets bought get to mine at 10 to 7" so at 10 past I rang to say are you on your way? As she wasn't I went in my car and she frantically drove across town to meet me there arriving only just before curtain up (although they don't have curtains 🀣). Was worth it, she loved it. 

Pancake Day and I remembered just in time to take a pic before the last yummy mouthfuls were consumed. 

Happy to report I survived a dental checkup, nothing needs doing and thankfully in and out of the chair in minutes. I went with Daughter and O as usual, before that together with Hubby and R we had lunch here first and left Hubby, R and the dog behind while we popped to the dentist. Afterwards R and the dog stayed for dinner as Daughter and O went on a date to Pizza Express as O had a gift voucher. When they came back they had bought me daffodils. 

NeighbourJM came up for a coffee and chat. She'd only been up before when we had regular coffee mornings in the house so part of a room full of conversations. It was so lovely to have a proper long chat just the two of us. 

A happy week for me but still praying for the people in Ukrain πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ and all the other refugees from war torn countries πŸ™ πŸ’”


Michelle said...

I tried to see if we could see R's play but couldn't make it work with our calendar. Mostly due to assignment deadline and then exam on 14th for C... So pleased that it is such a success (naturally!).

nom nom pancakes :-)

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Shame they didn't consider filming it and putting on line. I'm sure those that couldn't go in person would pay to view.

Funny how we eat pancakes quite often but they do seem more special because it's pancake day hahaha

Michelle said...

We would definitely have paid to have it streamed.

Marcus is on the committee of the local camera club. They started streaming the weekly meetings in 2020 and they still are doing so, though some committee members (actually one especially vocal one - who is a friend but disagrees) want to stop doing the online access and just have in person option. M thinks they should keep doing the online as it does allow folks to join when ill or working away or any of myriad of reasons why attending in person isn't possible. The friend thinks folks will just view online. M thinks that the physical meetings are always better anyway and folks will like to come if they can - especially if they now can start offering refreshments again (they stopped b/c covid). Easier to turn out on a cold night if a coffee is going to be available at some point. The online is not as good but has been a way for some members to still feel part of the sessions - older profile of members.

Upshot is they are continuing with the streaming. One speaker refused to have his session online but most speakers have been ok with it. M has learned a lot from the experience and they now know what they are doing so the online is improved from their first efforts in 2020!