Saturday 8 April 2023

All Improved With Chocolate.......

I bought tickets for myself, Daughter and R for a performance of Village Idiot at the New Wolsey Theatre in Ipswich. It looked OK on their what's coming page and the cast included members of the Ramps on the Moon group. I'd seen the group before and they were brilliant. 
This time, however, only a few were included into this cast of just six. 
We were warned......
     Contains very strong language and discusses themes and uses language some may find upsetting relating to class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, sex, gender identity and disability.
     This production contains flashing lights, mild strobe lighting, loud music and sound effects, haze, fire, a shotgun (fired offstage), the smoking of herbal cigarettes, blood and realistic magic tricks.
     'Village Idiot' uses outrageous comedy to tell the story. It will certainly shock some people. It will certainly offend some people. Some will be upset by the very strong language, which includes swearing. The characters make jokes about class, race, sexuality, sex, gender identity, trans people and disability. 
     The New Wolsey Theatre doesn’t endorse the offensive terminology used by some of the characters. We believe one of the roles of theatre is to hold a mirror up to the world we live in; to begin a dialogue and challenge perceptions. For us, 'Village Idiot' ultimately carries a message of inclusivity, arguing that when we learn to accept each other’s differences and celebrate our individuality, the world is a richer place.

However, there was a reasonable story line that for all three of us was totally spoilt by constant swearing and constant mention of very explicit sex which was so constant it lost the shock value and the humour. The story was also interrupted all the time by the ridiculous front of curtain side story bits which is often used to allow for elaborate costume changes or very physical scene changes, so I was disappointed when the curtain raised to hardly any change at all. 
There was laughter from the audience throughout and some even stood at the end, the three of us did neither, had we missed something or were they being polite? Maybe my mistake for buying tickets for 1st April.

This reminded us of another awful performance daughter and I saw in October 2013 and one of the actors even agreed on my blog post review. Very funny. 

Lovely sunny weather this week, still chilly but everything is looking spring like. In the pond there's still a very large cloudy mass of frog spawn and although you can't see them on this photo, there are lots of tiny tadpoles swimming. 
While I was over there Hubby showed me lots of scratches in the paving. So what clawed animal had made them and was it chasing something or being chased? You may need to zoom in to see what I mean. 

A quiet week and thought it would be a very quiet bank holiday weekend as Daughter and Son had other plans. However Son needed to come over Friday morning to swap his car for his van and he invited Daughter to join us who also brought O and the dog. So that was lovely having them here for a few hours. O made himself pancakes as he has had pancakes every day since shrove Tuesday and is planning to keep that up till next shrove Tuesday. 

Daughter's weekend house guest has had to cancel (covid still interfering) so now she's invited themselves to have Sunday dinner here with us. Phew as that now means the whole leg of lamb won't last the two of us months hahaha. 

Happy Passover or Easter whichever you celebrate.

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