Saturday 22 January 2022

Very Frosty Mornings.......

You know when there's a sudden strange noise and you can't decide if it was outside or inside, downstairs or up, something to ignore or worry about? Between Hubby and me, Daughter, R and O we sort of agreed it sounded more like it was inside upstairs but Hubby did the full house tour and discovered nothing........ until bedtime when he went up then came down again to report the whole rail inside his wardrobe had come down. Another big job to empty, go to B&Q for bits, repair, sort and refill leaving a pile for the charity bag or bin plus some old biking leather jackets and trousers, I've taken photos and suggested to friendMC that if she sold them she can give the proceeds to SERVSC. As she's a trustee and now events manager she's amongst all those bikers.  

Really nice lunch out catchup with friendM on Monday. She keeps having trips to her place in Spain, especially when the weather is horrid here, so this was fitted in as she came back last weekend and is off again in February. And because she's back the usual Wednesday gang met up again this Wednesday...... nearly! FriendsT&F both have coughs and colds so didn't come, friendHS has a long drive and there are far too many road works and diversions at the moment to make coming for a meal out worth it, and friendHM is an accountant and totally swamped with end of year stuff to take an evening out, so there were four of us which was still lovely. 

I can't stop laughing 🤣 just read this on Daughter's Facebook post...
"That point after you tape three loo roll tubes together to make a pen pot inside your plastic cracker tub, that you realise you have turned into your mother." 🤣🤣🤣

And that's about it for this week. We have the dog all day today while Daughter drives all the way to Weymouth and back,
so the girls can see their dad and other grandparents for the weekend. Tomorrow Daughter will collect R but leave E behind as she is now relocating down there to start a new job on 31st and has a week of flat hunting. Good luck E.

Same time, same place next week eh?.

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