Saturday 12 June 2021

Hooray For Visits............

We have this beautiful rose right outside the lounge window, huge blooms that we can admire while inside and once outside we can take in it's gentle perfume. It was here when we moved in 38 years ago. 

R and E had a very long awaited visit to their dad's in Dorset, just Saturday and Sunday, so we took the opportunity for O to have a sleepover here. Of course he brought all his techy stuff with and soon had a mobile studio set up in the lounge. He's great at explaining stuff to me so I'm a little bit wiser and I love listening to his musical creations. 
I'm sure Daughter and M enjoyed their home alone date night. 

Wednesday morning started with the click-and-collect shopping that then needs sanitising (is everyone else still doing that?) and putting away. Then breakfast, then Hubby went off to get the new pond pump he ordered yesterday when the existing one suddenly stopped working. He came home and decided he had time to fit it, needing my help for a little bit of it. After that Hubby had a couple of jobs to do at Daughter's house so I went too, not for jobs of course just a visit and a chat and lots of tea. I got to see O's redesigned bedroom which looks good. Had an interesting chat with R about using they/them for non gender specific people, she feels it's quite natural in her conversations now, it's still something I'd need to consider each time so as not to offend anyone. Not easy changing the way we've been taught and used for a lifetime but glad the world is becoming a little more accepting of our differences. Fixing her patio doors didn't go to plan and took ages and he needs to order more stuff and try again. All this and home by 1:30pm.  

Wednesday evenings for many many years has been a meal out and pub with friends and after this gap of about 15 months we did it again this week.
It was dinner in Prezzo for four of us, then onto The Grosvenor pub for seven of us. We didn't manage a photo with us all but after a lot of laughter we did manage these in Prezzo where I wasn't pulling a gross face. 

A visit from Hubby's old school friendG. He makes himself available to the older people in his village who need lifts and mostly it's local appointments however he is bringing someone into Ipswich for some reason so arranged to visit us at the same time. Another ulterior motive is he has very limited technology ability and needs help with a troublesome word document that Hubby couldn't help with by phone. Sadly a visit which ended up making me grumpy. He arrived and straight up to me with arms wide, when I didn't want him to hug me he got so offended, loudly said we'd all been jabbed so there's no problem and if we think differently we'd been brainwashed. He said he'd been to Wales and back and plenty of other places and he's fine, apparently he was also offended when someone he was giving a lift to insisted on wearing a mask in the car. I  told him I don't care what he does but he should read all the facts before dictating to others, not one vaccine manufacturer or the government has stated 100% effective, and it's ignorant people that will keep spreading the germs which allows it to mutate, but they won't get sick so must be OK. Grrrrrr......I left them to it and went back to my knitting.

Decorating the downstairs toilet has started. This is before (sometimes known as the library)
Hubby thinks he now has a plan for the carpentry and he's bought the paint. The room has been cleared and the carpet is about to come up. 
Hubby has a new bike to ride and good weather also encourages lots of outside activities so the loo could look like this for a long time but I'll update you here of course. 

Weeds are only plants you don't want and/or in the wrong place. We didn't plant these as the tarmac goes right up to the wall, however they are pretty and we love them there, so they are officially flowers not weeds 😂 I'm wondering if it's Rosebay Willowherb? 

I hope you are enjoying the good weather, although tomorrow according to the forecast may be a bit too hot for me to spend long outside. 
As always stay safe.


Michelle said...

I'm loving all the roses out at the moment. Some really pretty cottage gardens at at there best right now on the walk I did today with 9yo.

We're not washing our groceries any more. I stopped when I thought neither of my families wash their groceries and I felt that the washing wasn't as necessary as I once did. You may well be the only person I know still doing so but you do what you feel you need to do. It doesn't matter what anyone else is doing. It can't hurt and it logically does reduce risk. Same for the interaction with friendG. I have now hugged some family but not friends as yet. Oh yes one friend I have but generally for me it's still about keeping distance. Just in case. Numbers are rising so no need to hug unless both sides want and need it.

Love the red flowers, we have them here but I wouldn't have been able to give their name!


MumB / @mumbosh said...

Without Google I'd not name flowers either ;)