Saturday 18 April 2020

All Together in Isolation (part five)......

Saturday 11 April, Easter weekend......starting with this as it's not always easy remembering what day it is when they are all pretty much the same!

When we have the lovely warm sunny days this is our favourite spot to have a cuppa
Still an ongoing project and the old watering can is the new water feature! Love watching the fish and there's so many frogs that pop their heads up to say hello then find places to hide.

As is quite common in this house progress can come to an abrupt halt, this time caused by a late night power cut when something tripped the fuse box. Hubby was in bed but thankfully still awake so he came down and reset the essential stuff. I heard him so I just sat in the dark and waited for the tv and Internet to come back on.  In the morning he discovered it was our other water fall pump that had done it which then in turn upset the electrics for the pond. So more things to put on the non-essential shopping list for after lockdown.

NieceV is making a steady recovery and they sent her home just six days after a major op, as much for her safety away from the hospital as anything. She will of course self isolate, and the children are having a holiday with their grandparents sisterS and bilK.

Bank Holiday Monday (although it doesn't feel like a bank holiday) and the weather has really changed, it's quite chilly. So all out in jumpers and coats the neighbours had our street coffee morning, all staying on our own drives with our own drinks. But didn't bother taking chairs as it was far too cold to be out there for long. Nice to see other faces and check everyone was ok.

This week's nails are much shorter as four of them have lost their acrylic coating and the rest are rapidly growing out, but I'm keeping them painted for strength and it gives me a pleasurable hour playing.

After 25 days at home I had to go to the hospital myself. Hubby drove but had to stay in the car as only patients are allowed in. With face mask on and plenty of sanitizer I was given a thorough examination then an ultrasound scan and conclusion was nothing more than a sebaceous cyst. Yippee
And while talking medical I had a call from the Urology Consultant who said I still need another operation and as it's open surgery he wants to reduce the risks by leaving it until July when hopefully the hospital will be COVID19 free. (No yippee for this).
I've also had a call from the imaging department wanting to book me in for scans, told them they weren't needed until July.
Plus another check up call from my MacMillan/Urology nurse.
All so quick and easy for them now making phone calls especially while everyone is home to pick up the phone straight away. Maybe doctoring of the future will be far less face to face?

I've just learnt a new slang (yes I'm always really late with these things).
FOMO is the Fear Of Missing Out, apparently a real problem to so many when they see something good is going to happen, often posted on social media, and it looks unmissable but they are going to miss it because they are already doing something else. Well a world wide pandemic has wiped out this dreadful phobia, because we are ALL missing out!

And as you know Hubby is a volunteer Bloodrunner for SERVSC and he had another call out tonight

They are all planning to do a SERVSC collection video of Bloodrunners clapping for the NHS so today I've made him a banner and over the weekend we'll attach it to the garage door and film him in his kit alongside his bike clapping, then send it to whoever has offered to edit it all together.

So another week has passed and the government has announced at least another three weeks for total lockdown.
Stay home stay safe and I'll post again next Saturday with part six!


Michelle said...

Mostly good except the power issues and not yippee July op bit. Hope NieceV is back to full strength soon. The sunshine has really helped moods be slightly uplifted. C has got her circus things out in the garden and practiced (as inspired by E recently). She's now sat out there singing which is just lovely. The banner is great! Well done.

Still lovely nails :-) xx

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Singing lifts her spirits and listening to her lifts yours, just like me seeing our three having fun practicing their circus skills again! Life is what you make it eh? xx