Saturday 2 April 2022

Longer Colder Days........

Beautiful blossom on our plum tree. 

Mother's Day (although we were short changed because the clocks went forward so we lost an hour) and Son came over bringing flowers. 
Daughter phoned, but couldn't come over as R has covid so they are keeping away. 

While Son was here he helped Hubby with the destruction of our three- seater sofa
Then after some very tricky reconstruction turned it into a two-seater making space for Hubby's new chair that hopefully arrives next weekend. 

Finished the little blanket and learned a lot. 

Thursday morning lovely sunshine with a substantial dusting of snow! We thought that was it but later followed more snow. Then it got windy. At one point our garden umbrella, which was collapsed and standing in the corner under a roof surrounded by a table and folded chairs, got lifted and flew across the garden! Hubby had to rope the two pond benches to the metal trellis again, and he has needed to secure a large piece of our fence that was wobbling! The snow kept coming as short flurries and sometimes we had short hail blizzards plus it turned bitterly cold. All the time it's been beautiful sunshine. British weather is rarely boring. 

It snowed overnight and Friday from the time we got up, big flakes and lots of it! That lasted for about 20mins then the sun came out and it all disappeared, the rest of the day was much the same as Thursday with the snow hail and sleet as short interruptions to the sunny windy day. Amuses me that it still keeps conversations constant on my WhatsApp and Facebook. Hahaha
Well I must get back to the crochet hook and the 63 or 64 or 65 squares (every time I count them it's different) ! Six joined so far so a little way to go. 
Stay warm and cozy and just look out of the window at your pretty spring flowers.


Michelle said...

I moaned about being done out of an hour on Mothering Sunday! Claimed it on the Monday :-D.

Im really impressed with turning the 3 seater into a 2 seater. You can tell the ends were more popular anyway :-).

Is it a new chair or a throne arriving?

I haven't done any crochet since a crochet evening a couple of months back. Really should have another go. Too many unfinished projects around here.

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Sofa ends are always preferred as these are recliners where the middle isn't and the ends are nearer your tea which is the priority of course. You'll see the new chair in next week's post.
My home is full of Un-Finished-Objects or Works-In-Progress. I kept saying when I retire I'll finish..... I've been retired 13 years!