Saturday 31 August 2024

Mixed Wardrobe........

Wet and windy Saturday, so Daughter and Son cancelled their planned walk and came here instead, R came too and Son brought cake. This was the last night for R's month long Theatre in the Forest run so she spent her time creating cards for the cast and crew etc. Hubby helped Son replace the cigarette lighter in his van and Daughter spent a little time in her car trying to get the software to recognise her phone but had to give up. The dog was in and out of the garden, she usually hates going out if it's raining but there were squirrels to chase so she put up with getting wet. We all came together each time the kettle went on and to have lunch. 

Was a bit windy Monday morning but we managed coffee morning outside and it was quite warm each time the sun broke through the clouds. No extra neighbours this week even though it was a bank holiday. Hope they've all found places to have fun. 

Tuesday friendM treated me to lunch as a late birthday present even though she'd given me wrapped gifts already. Always good to have time just the two of us as normally we go out with others. 

Wednesday evening was out usual gang meal in Prezzo first. We had gone early as wanted to get to the pub a bit earlier because Open Mike Night is always busy and often we can't get a seat. Prezzo of course was the busiest we've seen it and our poor waitress was desperately keeping up but it did all take a lot longer than we'd hoped. 
As you can see we did get a table in the pub and this pic was taken late and the girls had already finished their drinks and moved on to coffees (I'm still on water) when two of our guys had just finished at the pool table and we were waiting for our third friendF to take his turn at the mike.

Good weather later this week for Hubby in the garden and for watching all the gold finches on the bird feeder. 

A phone call from the Oncology Consultant to see how I'm doing and he said he'll check again in a months time. 
And that's about it for another week. 
Till next week I'll say TTFN.


Michelle said...

Love the being with family separately but together day.


MumB / @mumbosh said...

:) xx