Saturday 17 August 2024

Feeling Hot Hot Hot........

Saturday afternoon our friends arrived. They brought balloons and a beautiful orchid. There should have been four of them (people not balloons) but unfortunately friendM got double booked and although he would have preferred being with us, the other event took priority. 
Tea and cake then all in one car to The Wilford Bridge pub and all enjoyed a lovely meal. Then just five minutes down the road to Sutton Hoo to see A Midsummer Night's Dream performed by Red Rose Chain actors. My second time of course but for Hubby, friendsL&K and friendL not only their first time for this but their first time coming to Theatre in the Forest. 
They loved it and praised the energy and enthusiasm of the whole cast. They told me to pass on their praise for R's talent and characterisations especially her facial expressions which made them laugh. And we were included on Bottom's selfie
Back home and as they were sleeping over we stayed up late chatting with the girls on tea and the boys on beer. Eventually all up to bed. 

Sunday was my actual birthday (yes I know I seem to have been celebrating for a while). Opened all my cards and some extra presents friends had given me last week. 
Also answered all the pings on my phone from relatives and friends sending birthday wishes. Eventually everyone was up and ready for breakfast. 
Son arrived bringing more gifts, Mum's Spec Stand amused us all. 
I'm very lucky and loved.
The guys left about 1pm and we later heard it wasn't the easiest journey home with road closures etc. Usually about an hour and a quarter, this time almost two hours. 

 Monday morning we actually enjoyed coffee morning in the heat as there was a good breeze
Monday afternoon my new pills arrived by a special medic delivery van and Tuesday morning I took the first one. 

Every few years the pond gets too much sludge in the bottom and it keeps blocking the filter and the pump. It's a major physical job so I'm not too sure why Hubby chose the hottest days of the year to start it. 
Firstly he created a temporary pond to hold plants and fish he may need to evacuate. Unfortunately the old black liner seems to have a hole as the patio is getting wet. Abandon plan A.
Then the net came off the pond and he pulled out the lily pads and oxygenating plants that had taken over the whole surface. 
Now he's hoping he can keep running the little fishing net along the bottom and get a lot of the muddy stuff out.

Also in the garden we have the apple tree. We had a good and healthy crop last year so I thought we'd solved the problems of disease in every core of previous years. This year they are not ripe yet but going rotten on the tree or falling off. So no edible fruit and no decision yet as to the tree's future. 

We regularly get squirrels in the garden, probably due to having four birdfeeders. Recently we have this regular visitor who is almost tail-less. We will never know how this happened but watch in amazement as it looks fully active and healthy, hangs upside down to steal from the feeders without a tail to hang on with. Although very funny when hopping on the grass it looks like a little bunny. 
Been a little cooler now at the end of this week which suits me. Hope you've enjoyed the heat or managed to stay cool depending on your preference. 
Wonder what next week will be like?

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