Saturday 10 August 2024

Mostly Smiling.........

We had a lovely Sunday. Daughter and Son did my pre-birthday bbq. I was told not to do a thing, so I didn't willingly. Hubby helped of course but they provided everything. The weather was very kind, overcast but still very warm and occasional spots of rain that never came to anything. Conversation was lively as D had brought friend and so had R and together with O there was banter and nonsense and laughing. 
I was bought lots of flowers and a pretty new jug. M told me he now has a "jug dealer" which amused me. 

Not sure when or how, but Tuesday I suddenly noticed that a small broken remains of a tooth that had been like it for a few years had disappeared??? It was definitely there on Monday as anything odd in your mouth attracts your tongue doesn't it. It did wobble but never hurt. I felt sure it was big enough I'd have noticed if it fell out while eating or brushing my teeth but it didn't. I'm totally perplexed, where did it go? 

Tuesday was a meet up lunch with my old work team, four of us plus three spouses. We nearly forgot the group photo and remembered when we were already back at the carpark. Love that we still meet after 15 years, so long as I organise them all. 
Wednesday afternoon and still no contact from the hospital, I rang again. I spoke to the Specialist Oncology Nurse who told me she had never had me added to her list. I told her I had seen the consultant three weeks ago who said she would phone me, I also left a message for her last Wednesday, finding out she was on leave, but she never got that either. We made arrangements to meet the next day. 
I now know this department will need me to chase them every time things don't happen when I'm told they will. 
Meeting went well and the medication will be delivered early next week. For now my head is a little all over the place. 

Wednesday evening was out with our usual friends. As it's nearly my birthday we always try to go somewhere a bit different. Unfortunately friendM tried my choices but took my fourth choice before there was a table free for six. That's a problem at the height of the holiday season at a seaside resort. We were lucky and had a good meal in our favourite Mediterranean restaurant. 

Thursday evening yet another meal out with three friends, two of which we only catch up with on birthday celebrations. FriendH drove me and friendJ and we met friendM there. I have parcels from M and H to open next Sunday and J insisted on paying for my meal. 
Not the best photo of any of us but a lovely evening. 

Friday there was some confusion with Doggy Day Care arrangements. Son had booked extra tickets for Midsummer Night's Dream as fiancé didn't make it last time, so I booked in their dog, but apparently it was mentioned a long while ago that we might need to have Daughter's dog. They don't always get on well together so it's avoided. Daughter sorted it with M so we will only have Son's dog here. 
Hubby went out for pool practice and probably because she prefers him to me the dog was quite restles, don't let this calm pose fool you, it didn't last long.
Meanwhile pre-show at the Theatre in the Forest Son met with our star of the show R.
By the time they got back, stayed for a cuppa and finally took the dog home it was really late, together with the fact I'd not slept the night before, I waved them off and went straight up to bed. 

As often happens, I've a busy weekend so wanted to get this post done early, but tech had other ideas! My tablet was acting like it had been taken over by aliens doing very weird things then suddenly lost all charge. So I'm finishing this on my phone with apologies if I've missed any glaring typos. Think I'll hit publish while I'm winning. Hopefully see you here next week.


Michelle said...

Lovely update - missing tooth is bizarre! Is the whole tooth, root included now entirely gone? Sorry about the poor hospital communications. I was talking to someone yesterday and our local hospital apparently has each department managing things their own way, some parts paper based, whereas the place he works at they have integrated online system so records are visible to all. Though that would necessarily prevent your situation. It was mainly in relation to a friend's husband being having T2D written on his handwritten notes on his bed to refer to him having a second thoracic dislocation but being read by dr as type 2 diabetic... He was subjected to 3xa day finger prick test unnecessarily for almost a week.

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Wow that could be so dangerous, thankfully just horrid pin pricks. At least now I know potential problems I can watch for them and take action when needed.
As for tooth, I think the root must still be there as no gaping hole and it immediately felt like the gum had grown over. Very odd.