Saturday 24 August 2024

I'm Not Winking At You........

After 10 days of being a Tudor and practicing new skills as a glass bead maker, Daughter time travelled straight here to unload her car into our garage and shed.
Eight of us met for a late lunch, four couples, old friends having a good catchup. Hubby and I were the last to arrive so sat the furthest apart, as they prefer to have a boys end and a girls end as often very different conversations. Every one enjoyed a full mains and dessert but I chose a lunch wrap leaving most of the salad and fries that came with it (new meds make me feel a little sick if I eat a lot). At dessert time I did have to nip down to the other end of the table to taste Hubby's biscoff cheesecake. 
Afterwards back to friendsN&T for coffee/tea sitting out on the patio in lovely weather. Only downside was I managed to trip and bash my knee! Maybe I'm an attention seeking drama queen.... or just plain clumsy! 

Second week of these little triangle pills and seem to have my first obvious and consistent side effect, which isn't one I was warned about or expected. 
The lower lid of my right eye twitches, not all the time, but always when I lift a mug to my mouth! I lift a mug lots during a whole day. So obvious Daughter saw it twitch from across the room! Daughter and I tried all sorts of movement combinations and no wiser but very amused. 

Pleased to report my birthday orchid is still alive and looks quite happy on this window sill, which only gets direct sunlight from late afternoon. 
So a short one this week as all the other stuff is normal day to day stuff. 
Enjoy your long Bank Holiday weekend (unless you're retired like us when it makes no difference).


Michelle said...

my orchid seems to like being neglected. lots of flowers on it at the moment and it regularly ends up very dry then give it a good drink.

hope you adjust to the meds ok xxxxx

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Thank you. So far so good for both the orchid and the meds xxx

Michelle said...

Counted 16 flowers on my orchid yesterday!

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Haven't lost any and three new buds opened :)