Saturday 3 August 2024

Every Picture Tells a Story.......

Just a few photos from last Friday night at Red Rose's, Theatre in the Forest, Sutton Hoo, The magical performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream. 
We were there and it's hilariously brilliant. Already reading lots of great reviews. 
Actor Vincent took a selfie with part of the audience and I've highlighted where we are sitting. 
In the programme R drew the characters for the storyboard. 

Hubby brought in the last few plums and the first very nearly ripe fig. 

Daughter, R and O came for showers Monday afternoon, plus the dog who didn't shower of course. Daughter and the electrician keep missing each other's phone calls, but hopefully her shower will get fixed soon. Always nice to see them though even with an ulterior motive. 

Wednesday afternoon, as nobody was due to come round, we used the carpet shampooer borrowed from M. Thankfully Hubby started on just one area of the beige carpet in the hall. It just got very wet and looked much dirtier in patches. This is the result. 
 I noticed that the clean water was going down fast but nothing was coming up into the dirty water container. After some online research Hubby found that a vital part of the machine was missing. M managed to find it and dropped it round. The carpet needed a couple of days to dry out and no longer be swollen up in waves, then Hubby shampooed it again. It's better than it was but not totally clean looking!  

Just four of us out Wednesday night, no FriendsT&F as F has covid.

Thursday morning Daughter came over with O who needed a shower, they stayed for an early lunch then off to Colchester. O has borrowed Hubby's axe to take to Kentwell for when he joins the woodcutters (something else for me to worry about).
Thursday afternoon Son and fiancé arrived, it's fiancé's birthday. They left their dog here when Hubby took them to the station. This trip was in London to see Romeo and Juliet staring Tom Holland. Their train back didn't arrive till 12:30am and Hubby managed to stay awake to pick them up. All worth it as they said they'd had a brilliant evening. 

Friday on my primary school's Facebook page someone had posted this picture. It is my final year in 1964 and I'm front row, second one in from the right. 
Friday lunchtime Daughter arrived with R and the dog. Her shower was being fixed and it's always a good idea to remove the dog, plus they both showered here. All had lunch before R had to go to work. Daughter came back and stayed until M messaged to say their shower is fixed and the guy has left. 

A very ripe harvest of figs this time yummy.
No pictures of the heavy storms they keep forecasting as they never happened, so Hubby keeps watering. We have an outside thing planned for the weekend so hope the sky isn't saving up the storm till then.
Enjoy yours. 


Michelle said...

Love that you posted the storyboard. Thank you! Just brilliant.

Happy Birthday!

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Thank you xxx