Saturday 29 June 2024

Resting and Raised......

Foot now feeling a bit better each day now I'm barely using it. A little potter then a lot more leg raised sitting. 
Sunday Son came over with "get well cake". The weather was lovely so we sat in the garden. 

Monday was already about 23°C by 10am so coffee morning outside needed a little help. Umbrella over the table for some shade and ice packs under the biscuit plate, ice packs inside the cold water jug
and ice cube bags around the milk jug. Everyone was under strict instructions to eat the chocolate fingers quickly hahaha. 
Before everyone arrived we had the delivery of the new boiler and tank being installed later in the week. 
After everyone had left Daughter arrived and left the dog while she went off to the choir group she helps run. Hubby picked her up after choir and they went to look at the car he'd put on reserve. They came back smiling, Daughter has a new(to her) car that she can collect in a couple of weeks as it needs a little body work put right first. 

Wednesday early start as the boiler man arrived at 8am. Hubby had already cleared that whole corner of the kitchen and all the airing cupboard which he was very grateful for. 
First thing was turning all the water off. Second thing was covering all the carpets on stairs, hall and landing with a non slip tacky plastic. Kitchen floor he covered with thin mats. Very thoughtful and customer focused attitude. 
There's been lots of banging and drilling, up and down stairs to each radiator and in and out of the loft. He's needed an open front door and an open side gate and back and forth to his van. Cold water went back on after a couple of hours so at least we could flush the toilets and fill the kettle (important stuff right?).  
I was needed for some dog sitting, but because of the chaos at home I went to Daughter's for five hours (still sitting with my leg raised). Another really hot day so we stayed inside and while I read she slept. 

Thursday and the boiler man was back, 7:40am this time and soon after an electrician arrived, a little confusing as they are both named Jack. Water went off again. 9ish cold water back on so not too bad. Now a third guy has arrived, he's called Leigh. Noisy banter and they are constantly moving all over the house...... I've gone back to my book. 
On a day that reached about 24°C we had to have the lounge gas fire lit twice and then all the radiators on up high for about half an hour phew. 
About 3pm-ish after electrician Jack and Leigh had left the first Jack took Hubby round to check everything, show him how the new boiler works, explain all they'd done with the tank, wiring, loft changes and how they had flushed through and replenished all the radiators with whatever they need replenishing with. Jack then moved old tank, boiler and bags of rubbish neatly beside the garage on the drive for collection by their refuse company then he left, all done! 

Friday back to Doggy Day Care, back at ours. Another easy day that thankfully wasn't so hot. Hubby took the dog home home just after 6pm when R told us she was home and said we weren't needed for Saturday as she's home.

When Hubby has finished cutting up the airing cupboard shelves to fit round a few new pipes we'll be back to normal, whatever normal is!


Michelle said...

Fernox in the rads I think? Can't remember what it does. Anti-corrosion maybe? Will have to google.

It "Protects against corrosion and scale in mixed metal central heating systems to prevent breakdown and premature boiler failure. Inhibits scale, corrosion and sludge. High performance and non-toxic. Stops frequent venting of radiators and prevents cold spots."

But it is a brand so maybe other brands also used.

Lovely busy week. Glad you're keeping the foot rested as much as possible and managed in the heat. x

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Every day's a school day eh?