Saturday 1 June 2024

Summer Could Be Soggy........

Raining again but enjoying the view, especially that display of foxgloves. 

Saturday evening Daughter, O and I went to our favourite theatre to see this. The Chainers is the amateur youth drama group R started with here and she is now a professional actor with Red Rose. She is also now the director of this group. Unashamedly proud grandma bragging! 
This was the first immersive theatre experience I'd been to so wasn't sure what to expect. The crew were on an airship of sorts and we were invited onboard. There were games and puzzles to take part in and crew members wandering amongst us telling their tales. The ship landed and we followed the crew into the main hall with bench seating all around. During their story they recruited from the audience to join them. There were some very funny moments and a few dark moments in the well balanced script. 
At the end, as director, R comfortably led the Q&A ensuring every cast member joined in with the explanations and answers (I'm still grandma bragging).

Sunday morning when the rain had stopped Hubby collected our first little crop of ripe cherries. Always a bonus if we get there before the birds do, although I don't mind sharing. 

Sunday afternoon I had a hospital appointment for my regular CT Scan. I so appreciate still having them annually even though it's now three years clear. We were also grateful that being a Sunday there wasn't much traffic and lots of space in the car park. So we got there early and seen early. Fingers crossed eh? 

At last week's WI quiz Hubby won twice in their raffle and both times he picked up unopened jigsaws. He's completed the first one (I helped a little).
The second one is larger and looks much harder, but I'll show you when it's done. 

Daughter was taking O to Colchester so I went with and after we dropped him off we went into Wivenhoe (a small Essex town) as a friend of mine is exhibiting some of her work there. We both enjoyed looking at all the works in fabric with hand and machine embroidery and my friend did the ones with these tiny delicate bees, I came away with two of her cards. 
Daughter and I then found a very busy teashop, which is always a good sign, and we were lucky to get a table in their tiny suntrap courtyard and had a yummy lunch. 
We had a walk around and lingered a while at the pretty Waterfront. 
We had our usual Wednesday night out and Thursday night friendM and I had another meal out with friendHM and friendJB, we don't see these two very often but always try to celebrate together when one of us has a birthday. 
The odd thing that night was on a table very near to us I thought I recognised the young chap but couldn't think where I knew him from. It also felt like he kept looking at me, but of course I wouldn't have known that if I hadn't kept looking at him. 

Friday morning got some good news, the new car we had ordered last August and should have received in February is finally here at the Ipswich dealer's and we can pick it up Tuesday! 

Lunch time Friday, in heavy rain, we drove into town as I had an appointment at Specsavers Hearing Clinic to have their micro suction wax removal. Thankfully not painful just noisy and some odd feelings. Immediately my tinnitus seemed a lot louder but that settled down. Not sure my hearing has improved though because during the evening when Hubby was talking about Christmas gingerbread houses I really thought he'd said gingerbread trousers! 

Gosh 1st June but twice this week we've needed the heating on.
I hope you can stay warm and dry this weekend.


Michelle said...

Huzzah for new car finally arriving! Happy days :-).

What a lovely sounding week. Grandma bragging absolutely welcomed. She's amazing (as all your family are!).

Love the cherries. I'm keeping an eye on the strawberries. I don't mind sharing but the birds seem to so I need to be quick off the mark. One year I netted the plants but a bird got caught inside so I won't do that again.

I've lit the fire yesterday and today! It is cold!!

Keeping fingers crossed xxx

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Hubby picked cherries twice more, about the same amount each time and he's left the highest one's for the birds. Best crop we've had for years.
Have strawberries looking healthy but not ripening yet.
Rhubarb isn't as prolific though.