Saturday 8 June 2024


Saturday Hubby went over to Son's house and helped him finish his side path. They came back here together and what was Hubby's car is now Son's car. We still have my car which is getting tired but we'll keep it going for as long as possible as it's a good workhorse. Unfortunately the new car, which I thought we were picking up Tuesday, has had yet another delay and that's now Friday! 
*private note just between us..... Hubby has a lot more patience than I have, I desperately want to tell the dealer what I think about an expensive purchase we expected in February, but I won't. Can't spoil it for Hubby. 

The very wet spring has made everything grow like mad, so Hubby is frantically chopping, bagging and taking to the tip. He filled our brown bin and was really pleased when the new bin arrived and they took the very split and full old one away, so he then filled the new one, added to our three compost bins and filled three big garden bags ready for the tip this afternoon (and it's only Tuesday).
He's now working on these two bushes at the front. 
He's booked to do Daughter's big hedge tomorrow and he's offered to do an enormous hedge for FriendM (she has been doing my nails for years).
Actually our big front hedge wasn't finished last time as our neighbour had cars parked. 

Our usual Wednesday night saw the return of FriendsT&F, friendT has been unwell for a while so it was really nice to be the six of us again. We went from Prezzo to The Grosvenor as usual but their monthly quiz night is now so popular there wasn't a free table for us to sit at, so straight out the door and down to the snooker club. Made a nice change. 

Thursday, I had the second shingles jab at noon and five hours later not too bad at all..... hope it stays that way 🤞
Was quite sore overnight and of course I couldn't turn onto that side but did get a little sleep. 

I created our family tree more than 20 years ago, unfortunately I lost access to that software and the data file wasn't compatible with other software available at the time. Thankfully I had printed it all out. 
Much later Daughter registered an account on Ancestry and we've both transferred what I had and done a lot more searching when time has allowed. 
This week Daughter received this document as a records group had matched info with our tree. 
IBMT = International Brigade Memorial Trust
YCL = Young Communist League
Maurice was my dad's brother, two years older. We hadn't got exact date of birth or death before so another useful piece in our family jigsaw. 

Finally Friday morning we picked up our new car. 
We had as a little ride down to Shotley, which is a gentle run, only about 20 miles round trip, giving Hubby time to play, although it's very similar to Hubby's previous car. 

Unfortunately Friday afternoon I felt a bit yuk, which was probably due to the jab and poor sleep. Hopefully it will pass very soon.

Enjoy your weekend.  

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Huzzah for new car finally arriving!