Saturday 15 June 2024

Oops and Ouch.......

Saturday started with friendM sending me a message asking if Hubby could help with her TV problem. Hubby had installed her small TV in the bedroom and just the other side of the wall in the lounge her partner had installed her new larger smart TV after he had painted the walls. Now she can't get either of them to tune in properly. We both went to see her. Turned out both tv's were now linked to each other and neither were in the aerial socket. There was no sign of the cable that should have come with the new one, so Hubby made up a new one, the connection was made though not ideal. He went out to the car to put his tools away and spotted the cable he needed abandoned in the porch! All done now. 

Son and fiancé took us out to dinner Saturday late afternoon. A local rustic pub in a beautiful river location that benefits from daylight to appreciate the view. Butt & Oyster, Pin Mill
This is the table we were given and the tide was right out, but there were a lot more boats in the mud than in this photo (I took the photos from their pub gallery. 
Not by choice of course, I made a dramatic entrance into the main bar area, as I said it's old and rustic with flag stone flooring, and I missed the small step so arrived in an undignified prone position on the floor. Ouch ouch ouch! Son and a customer got me up and with support from Hubby behind and staff that made the nearest bench comfy for me sit down. Our table was near enough for me to hobble to and it felt like the only injury was my right foot. I felt bad that I ate very little of my dinner as Son was paying but they all enjoyed theirs and all had deserts too. Back to ours for a cuppa afterwards which was lovely. My foot was very very painful getting back to the car and then from the car to the house, I couldn't put my weight on it at all. 
Stairs are the worst of course, but with a lot of help from Hubby and my mum's old walking stick I made it up to our bed and down again in the morning. I did think about going to A&E but there's no swelling or bruising so don't think it's a fracture just a very bad sprain, so I'm using the recommended RICE (rest ice compression elevation) treatment along with paracetamol. 

Unable to move around Sunday Hubby downloaded a film for afternoon watching 
Hard to believe the original film was 1986.

Nothing much to write about as I've sat with my leg up and done little else. Coffee morning I asked neighbourL about my foot as she's a chiropodist and by the way I described what hurts she doubted I'd broken anything and said even if I had they wouldn't put a cast on just recommend RICE which I'm doing anyway. 
Wednesday update and I'm walking without a stick (just to the loo and back really) still painful but one I can tolerate.

Lovely unexpected visit from Daughter Tuesday lunchtime. She is taking her Tudor self round the primary schools at the moment and Tuesdays early morning group and much later afternoon group left her with a big gap which she filled chatting here. 

Thursday I had a Hospital appointment for recent CT Scan results. The clinic area is quite near the outpatient entrance so I walked with Hubby to hang onto. The consultant said they'd seen a little something that needs a biopsy, it may be nothing to worry about of course, but better to be cautious. He said I needed a blood test and that is far enough away for Hubby to insist on getting me a wheelchair, I'm glad he did. Possibly due to walking badly for days I've now got a nasty pain in my lower back! Thinking we are going to have to take a wheelchair on holiday.

Friday Daughter and R came over with the dog (Daughter also has a poorly knee, so we swapped sympathies). R was supposed to be doing research for the next play she is writing but kept getting distracted. Daughter and Hubby sorted her roofbox, coming out from the top of our garage and fitted to her car roof bars. She won't need it for another week but just before we get back. So good to see them both especially R who we see a lot less of now. 

Of course I can never praise Hubby enough, he is doing everything including all the packing (wonder what I'll be wearing)! Next post should be from Northumberland.... unless I'm having too much fun hahaha!


Michelle said...

Ouch! That sounds horrendous.Hope you are feeling better walking soon x

MumB / @mumbosh said...
