Saturday 13 May 2023

Our History.......

We spent Saturday mostly watching TV, as I'm sure most of the UK did and possibly a fair chunk of the rest of the world did..... for the coronations of King Charles III and Queen Camila. History and pagentry!

I love all but the studio chatting stuff. Hubby's favourite is the military marching and parading and there were so many of taking part

Sunday was the day for our street party. Held on our shared drive as always. Both houses suitably flagged. Garage set up with food tables and the hot drinks table, urn plugged in, music and outside speakers in place. Wheely bins brought round.  Tables and chairs all over the drive. 
My nails and outfit were red, white and blue. 
And nearly all the neighbours came up to party with us (lots more arrived after I'd taken this pic). Between them the garage tables were heaving with shared food. 
I was thrilled when Daughter and R came to join the party. And our weather worries were totally squashed as the sun stayed out and it got really hot.

Everyone really enjoyed it, so much that the oldies insisted on having our usual coffee morning on Monday and again a lovely dry warm day so we all sat in the garden which meant neighboursT&S joined us (they haven't joined us inside as still covid nervous).

Wednesday evening the usual gang had dinner at The Dooley Inn then onto the Grosvenor pub, but first FriendsT&F met Hubby and I at friendsM&P to surprise them with thank you gifts for our Spanish holiday. It's friendM's apartment and she shares all that's in it and friendP did nearly all the driving. They were surprised and very pleased. I'd also got M some solar fairy lights as her balcony ones had died when we were in Spain and given her the book we'd talked about. 

Thursday we were dog sitting and just after midday we had to put her in the car to come with for my blood test. She moans a lot in the car so Hubby said he would give her a quick walk when I pop into the clinic. However on the way there there was thunder lightning and the heavens opened, very heavy rain and hail stones. Hubby dropped me off right by the front door then parked. He watched for me looking out of the door then drove forward to pick me up, and I still got soaked enough to need a change of clothes. 
I'm having to be careful nipping in and out of places as my vertigo is back and sudden movements make me quite dizzy. 

Friday was a cousin's meetup day. We used to meet in London but that became a challenge with some of us not comfortable now to do all the walking and stairs on public transport and choosing somewhere to eat that's not too crowded or too expensive. So now we said we are happiest to travel to where the two oldest cousins live. It took Hubby and I over two hours (including a sat nav blunder Hubby made), it took my Nottingham cousin and her husband three hours drive each way and sisterS battled with public transport for nearly two hours coping and changing her route because of the rail strike. But it was so worth it. We all met at cousinS's favourite fish and chip restaurant (we were very late but they waited) then a car convoy back to CousinsB&A for tea cake and a lot more chat.  

Of course most of the chat was remembering the old days, family no longer with us and about the families we all have now. 
While talking about the Jewish East End we all grew up in sisterS and I were saying how we couldn't easily get deli food where we live, so cousinB promptly sent us home with doggy bags of challah and gefilte fish mmmmm.
And no visit ends without Hubby needing to fix something, this time it was the landlines phones for our hosts. 

Now a weekend of dog sitting. Enjoy whatever you have planned.

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