Saturday 25 May 2024

Fun and a Little Frustration.......

Dog sitting started Saturday off, while Daughter and O took the train to Norwich so O could attend a college workshop for their open day, as he's thinking this might be his next move from home education. 

Saturday evening we drove into Essex and joined friendsN&T together with two friends of theirs to make our team for the WI fundraiser quiz night. At the half way break our team were in the lead (think there were 12 or 14 teams). FriendN had made all the ploughman's suppers which was good. We had a good second half to the quiz but ultimately was overtaken by just two points at the end so finished a very respectable second place. 

On Sunday I had been invited to a surprise baby shower. The baby is now actually three months old but it had been a difficult pregnancy, with a very premature and complicated birth. So the baby's mum's best friends left it till now. The surprise went really well, the weather was perfect, the two main organisers had decorated up and organised games. It was a lovely afternoon. 
We got up Tuesday morning and found two areas of the garden covered in feather carnage, guess the sparrowhawk had hunted a good breakfast. I know it's what they do but I was glad not to have been up early enough to have witnessed it this time.  

Hubby had done lots of gardening whenever it stopped raining and needed a run to the tip on Wednesday with a full car. He'd also helped Daughter on Thursday do a lot of garden clearing, including breaking down R and E's 20 year old garden playhouse which was now beyond repair, so did a second tip run with a full car. Think Daughter has enough for another tip run! 

Gotta have a little grumble too as my doctor's surgery is letting me down, which I have to say has been unusual. I phoned Monday of last week, in the afternoon as the lines wouldn't be so busy and my problem wasn't urgent. I was told they are now a day surgery and I must call back at 8am. Wednesday calling at 8am after being in a long queue for about 40mins I got through and told reception that I wasn't urgent but complex and explained why, and it had to be dealt with by a doctor. Late that day the surgery pharmacist called me. She discussed it all and made suggestions but needed to run it by a doctor before adjusting my meds and prescribing. She rang on Thursday, told me the doctor's suggestion and I agreed..... then she noticed that the new drug wouldn't suit with one of my other drugs, so she needed to go back to the doctor. By this Tuesday afternoon I'd not heard back so Daughter suggested I should fill in the econsult form on the NHS app (not used that before). Wednesday morning a call again from the pharmacist who said the doctor hadn't realised what else I was on.... HADN'T REALISED! I was horrified and told her so. She has now requested I'm given an appointment with a doctor, but it's now Friday and I've heard nothing! 

Sorry to offload but this is my diary so you get my moans as well, but as you know my life is mostly good which I'm always happy to report on. 
Enjoy your Bank Holiday weekend.


Michelle said...

Your surgery seems to have moved to the level ours is at. But seemingly all in my town are the same so no point in moving.

My Dad's GP surgery also prescribed something contra-indicated with his other meds (his wife analyses everything and noticed). They also hadn't realised nor checked. It's scary that the computer doesn't automatically throw up these issues when the GP tries to prescribe them.

You need to chase :-(.

Love, love, love the baby shower. Much better after the baby is born I think!

MumB / @mumbosh said...

There was a follow up as I had to go for a blood test and that lovely nurse just actioned the tasks waiting for reception to deal with. I was seen but the outcome was I'm too complicated so best not to change anything. Like your dad's wife I also analyse everything and think we all should.