Saturday 6 April 2024

Mostly About the Jab........

We enjoyed a lovely Easter Sunday dinner with Daughter, R and O. Sadly M has a dreadful cough so stayed home and Son and fiancĂ© had other plans for this weekend. Dinner was a joint effort as Daughter doesn't eat meat so we bought and prepared the lamb joint and provided the gravy and custard, Daughter did a fancy potato dish, the veg and the apple and rhubarb crumble. Daughter also made a yummy dark fruit loaf for afternoon tea. They didn't stay late and all took a plant each when they left. 
As it was a bank holiday on Monday we had a very full and noisy dining room with our neighbours for coffee morning with three of them bringing extra special treats, mini egg Easter cupcakes, ferrero rocher chocolates and the yummiest home made ginger biscuits. I cannot deny eating far too many of those biscuits! 

Wednesday morning I had the first (of two) shingles jab. All was fine until going out that evening my arm was quite achy. I mostly sleep on my left arm which was fine but even the weight of the duvet on my right arm was painful so my arm came out, got cold, went back under, hurt, came out.... you get the idea. Up very early Thursday and had a lazy tired day. Back in two months for part two! Hubby and my friends only had one jab so guessing this two part vaccine is relatively new. Thursday evening I couldn't get warm, sitting in the lounge with two blankets and two hot water bottles and still shivering! 

Friday morning and my arm still hurts when I move it, so I'm not moving it unless I have to. I took two paracetamol before bed so slept much better. 
We met friendsL&K for a pub lunch, food was good as was the chat as always. FriendL has also had this two part shingles jab (her second part is next week) and said her symptoms were the same and horrid, she'd spoken to friendBR who said it had been the worst she'd reacted to any jab. So I was actually reassured that what I felt was normal. Still horrid though. 

I'm sure my arm will all be back to normal very soon, but sometimes it's good to have a little moan. I promise to find some cheerful stuff to share next week. 
Hope you have a cheerful weekend.


Michelle said...

Oh that shingles jab sounds miserable :-(. But shingles would be worse! I think it is important folks share when feeling less than jolly. That's real and normal! And if people don't share and hear others feel the same, then they may think they are the only one to feel / react that way to things. But my mother once said I always have to talk about things... I find it frustrating when people don't share the low times (I think things are less bad if able to share/moan/grumble a bit about them!)

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Oh the jab was nowhere near as bad as having shingles, I've had it and told that it was relatively mild but still absolutely evil. Anything to avoid a repeat is worth it.
Yes it's good to share these things but personally I prefer to focus on a "this is only temporary" attitude.