Saturday 28 March 2020

All Together in Isolation (part two)......

Well I had a brief release from isolation when I went into hospital, in Friday and out Saturday and all very hygiene vigilant of course and very limited visitor numbers, however, it's still movement of people so a cause of concern. Which is why I'm not allowing anyone near me for at least a week.... except Hubby of course as he's been with me all the time anyway so if I've got anything he'll already have it too.

It's mother's day and will be a different day for all mothers this year I should think.

Daughter has managed to secure a supermarket delivery slot for Monday evening so asked me what I wanted to add to save us going out to shop.

Son just turned up this morning (Sunday), with a mother's day card, two kitkat and a loo roll (as that's what was in his house already) he went straight round the back into the garden and he brought his own tea in a travel cup. We sat in the sun (very chilly) miles apart and shouted to each other for a little while and then he left. So lovely but so very odd hahaha
And look, my cactus that can never decide if it should be a Christmas cactus or an Easter cactus has decided to flower now. It must know we all need cheerful things.

Having finished the blue jacket, I'm knitting another. Sorted the wool I have and chose two double knit to use together. I love these colours but I'm really hoping I'll not run out of the grey one before it's finished.

Yes we're all making sacrifices, but really, having to cancel having my nails done is a bit drastic hahaha only joking ;)  So to help disguise the regrowth lumps and gaps I gave myself a mad psychedelic manicure. Not bad eh? Shame nobody is going to see them.

Tuesday morning and Daughter arrived with our shopping which she left by the front door then went round into the garden to give the dog a run around. We joined her once the dog was back on her lead and sat miles apart and shouted to each other for a while then she was gone. It's odd but so much better than video calls which are a lot better than whatsapp text......we're all adapting gradually.

Today (Wednesday) Hubby and I both started using the treadmill again. A mile each as a steady walk will hopefully keep us from seizing up altogether. Hubby is naturally a restless person and is out gardening or finding mending/fetching jobs etc but my crafting and all the social Internet contact has me always sitting so I've got to be tougher with myself and "move it or lose it" as they say.

Wednesday night of course is our usual group of friends meet up for a meal and chat, so 7:30pm tonight I started a group chat on messenger with the ladies even though I'd chatted to each of them individually over the last few days. Wonder how many weeks this will be repeated?

Thursday and Daughter's car is booked for a service and MOT. We needed a social distancing plan and as the mechanic actually lives in our street it worked out quite well. 6:30am Daughter brought the car to our drive then walked the dog home after she'd had a good run round our garden (She's been walking her that early every day anyway to avoid people). This gave Hubby plenty of time to change her brake light. Also gave her the opportunity to put her excess black bags in our wheely bin. Her keys are in the car so 8am mechanic walks up and takes her car to work and brings it back at the end of the day putting keys through our letter box. I cleared three machine loads of laundry, how could we have dirtied so many clothes when we haven't been anywhere?

Thursday night at 8pm, as promoted all over facebook and TV programmes even the BBC News, we were all asked to be outside and applaud as a thank you to all key workers especially NHS staff for all the extra hard work and sacrificing needed during this pandemic. Hubby and I hung out of the bedroom window. FriendA came out from next door and we thought we may be the only ones, then we heard it starting in the roads around us, and others came out in our close, clapping, bell ringing, saucepan banging and in the distance fireworks. No words needed.

Today had been quite industrious, too bright and sunny to be sitting around. So after breakfast and we'd both done our treadmill walk (Hubby now partly runs too - show off), we washed the kingsize duvet that had been waiting since December to go to the launderette, of course that won't happen in a lockdown. It won't fit in my machine so it got the bath treatment. A soak, a good pounding then a double rinse. Hubby did most of that but I did help with the wringing out and finding a way of getting it from upstairs bathroom to garden washing line without causing puddles.

FriendA popped round with his own mug of coffee so we sat in the sunshine miles apart and shouted to each other for a while.
I put away all the clean and now dried laundry from yesterday and looked out of the window to see Hubby washing Daughter's car. He'd cleaned out all the inside too.
 And for afternoon tea I'd made a Victoria sponge because we are running out of biscuits.
Hubby keeps searching the supermarkets online and finally found a Sainsbury click and collect slot for early Monday morning. So that's booked in and Daughter has added to it too.

Saturday tomorrow and I'd have been home from the hospital for a whole week showing no symptoms so I'll consider myself clear of virus germs! Phew! We'll not relax being isolated and vigilant but it does mean I'm happy to have Daughter and grandchildren coming here again as they've mixed with no others and neither have we, but still no physical contact. :(

"This is life Jim but not as we know it"


Michelle said...

C&I did the Clap for Carers too (M was at camera club - all moved online so in his study and he says he did it too but we didn't hear him!). It was lovely, not so many, unlike that Charing Cross recording, but so fab to hear those that did join in and some fireworks too. Only problem was we couldn't clap and listen to it at the same time!

C&I also had to brave the supermarket on Saturday as we've collectively had a complete failure to get online delivery and I was running out of key things, mostly milk but laundry powder too which galvanised the go to the store action. It was ok at first then got a bit stressful when I realised we were taking too long and so potentially increasing our potential exposure to someone virus ridden.

Glad you're still well! xxxx

MumB / @mumbosh said...

I think the clapping is being promoted for every Thursday evening but sadly it will probably lose its impact if fewer and fewer people turn out weekly.
For online shopping you have to keep on checking all the supermarkets as they are randomly popping up, and book it even if it's days and days ahead as we are playing the long game. Good luck xx

Michelle said...

I will keep trying then. Got demoralised. The store was being careful, 2m apart queue and one out one in. Trollies had been cleaned and we were able to go back to wash our hands. Impossible to be 2m apart in the aisles without a one way system though.

The Charing Cross film is in this article. As posted by Ashley Moorman. Made me cry. I didn't know it was every week. You're right it will lose its impact if only a few folks showing their support through it (they likely will be supporting carers, just not necessarily clapping on Thursdays at 8pm).

Michelle said...

Oh and I see those lovely nails!

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Hahaha lovely nails now, wonder how they will cope after months. I've had acrylics coating them for 20 years!