Thursday 19 March 2020

All Together in Isolation (part one)......

When you're retired not going out sometimes is quite normal, but suddenly being officially told you shouldn't go out is quite different. Up till now (19th March) it's not enforced isolation.

I didn't want to write about the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, there's so much being written/spoken/reported/speculated on that subject already! However everyone's lives  are moving to a totally different rhythm now so I'm just keeping a note of what's happening in my little world.

Sofa sitting guilt free meant I easily finished the jacket I was knitting.

My health issues put me in the most vulnerable group, so although Daughter and grandchildren come round they are keeping their distance and no hugs 🙁

I said "All together in isolation" as Internet with private messaging and social media means a lifeline to the world, sharing the common problem we are all sharing.

However tragic a situation people will always find humour to lighten the load

Positive and Negative
I get to leave the house tomorrow yaay!
To the hospital for an operation!

The next thrilling instalment will follow when I'm home again.
Stay home people and stay safe xx


Michelle said...

Love the jacket :-).

Stay safe yourselves and hope the hugs are possible soon xxx

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Thanks xxx