Saturday, 1 March 2025

Chilly Spring......

There seems to be a sudden revival of these little knitted dolls which keep coming up on my Facebook. I made so many of them more than 40 years ago, for my children and for gifts. Now I have a lot of wool oddments so thought I'd have another fiddle. 
If you fancy making one here's the pattern. 
You knit it flat, sew into a tube and stuff, then stitch through to define legs and arms and finally draw in for a neck. For character ideas Google "Izzy Dolls".

Hubby is happy now we are getting better gardening weather. Sunny but still very cold though. 
FriendsL&K and friendsL&M had arranged with us a lunch date quite a while ago which had to be rearranged when one of them was unwell. This Tuesday was the rearrange but just the day before friendsL&K cancelled again because of L's back which is still painful and now they both have colds and coughs. We still went ahead and lunched with friendsL&M. They were running a little late as had a hospital appointment first (old age is exhausting). It was a lovely lunch and catchup for the four of us and we will do it again as soon as the others are well enough. 

Thankfully my ankle is improving enough to walk unaided, although still very sore. I've spoken to both the nurse and the consultant on my care team this week and because I'm due another procedure I need to take a break from the evil pills a week before and two weeks after, then I'll start back on them but at the lower dose. Fingers crossed I'll be more comfortable and the dose is still effective. 

And that's another month gone and another season ended as 1st March is officially spring! Doesn't time fly? 
Have a good week.

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