Saturday 21 September 2024

Absent Friends.......

We have two large open-top storage bins that were part of our previous bedroom suite and are now in my craft room sitting side by side. One is used as our laundry box, very convenient as it's directly opposite the bathroom. The other is more a storage of "keep it for just in case" stuff (motto of my life really). 
A long time ago I decided I was going to paint them and they were undercoated in readiness..... then forgotten about. 
All of a sudden I felt like doing it and got my acrylics and brushes ready. 
I spent quite a bit of time deciding the best position for the box for access and light and not chancing paint on the carpet. I really enjoyed getting all the areas underpainted ready to add detail to. 
Of course I can only do one panel at a time in this leaning on the sofa position so decided to stop for now. 
When it was totally dry I stood it back up and wheeled it back into place...... and that's when I realised I'd been painting the side that sits against the wall so nobody will ever see it! Doh! You'll have to wait for the right three sides to be finished and I'll let you see them. 

Monday evening was our girls night. There were always five of us who met for a meal and catchup six times a year, once to celebrate each birthday plus a pre-Christmas sparkly one. This time was for friendJB's birthday. Unfortunately friendTF can no longer join us and friendM was involved in an accident on her Greek holiday and is stuck there not well enough to fly home yet. So just three of us went to dinner. Hoping friendM will be OK when it's her birthday at the end of next month. 

I finally decided I wasn't wearing the hearing aids enough to warrant their cost. I was told they would reduce the interference of background noise, unfortunately they didn't and times like coffee morning I find it so hard to hear each conversation as the general noise of up to 15 people in our dining room gets quite loud. I was also told I'd have more control using the app on my phone, turned out I could change the volume and nothing else as they'd sold me the model that wasn't compatible with the version of Bluetooth on my phone. The final straw was they had become irritating to wear which I think is a side effect of my latest pills as my eye lids twitch and my lips are a little sore so it feels like it's nerves sensitivity. So before the 90 day full money back terms ran out they went back. I also left with a printout of my hearing test result which might be helpful if I try again elsewhere. 

Hubby and Daughter are making the most of this dry sunny week by doing lots of garden clearing and tip runs. They've synchronised as we have the big garden bags so Hubby has been emptying at the tip then helping to fill them with Daughter who had booked a later time at the tip. This happened three days running. 

FriendsL&K were supposed to sleepover on Thursday after seeing Sarah Milican in Ipswich. However they had both been a little unwell during the week and decided they wouldn't bring any possible germs near me. They did book the four of us to have a catchup lunch in a couple of weeks time. 

So yet another week passes and although we are still in September there is a lot of talk about Christmas but I'm definitely not ready to even think about that yet and not even going to ask if you are.


Michelle said...

we bought Chloe an advent calendar for her birthday present :-D

Michelle said...

So clearly am beginning to think about it!

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Feels earlier each year.