Saturday 11 May 2024

Helping When We Can.........

 We never plan to do too much on a bank holiday weekend as often the traffic is really bad, the venue is crowded and the weather can be bad too. So we were around for Doggy Day Care, Friday into the evening, Saturday morning and Monday afternoon while Daughter and O are being Tudors, R had her theatre group performing for the first time (I read a great review) and M was teaching. 
Hubby watched the Ipswich Town v Huddersfield football game. The Ipswich win gave them promotion to the Premier League and after waiting 20+ years the crowd went wild, in fact Ipswich wildly celebrated all weekend. 

Sunday morning Son called in, we haven't seen him since our holiday. While we were chatting I asked how his fitness and sponsorship were going for the Scafell Pike charity hike he's about to do (less than three weeks time), he said the fund could do with another push so I posted it again on my Facebook page and two of my friends donated, which was so kind of them. Jake, the founder, is fiancé's nephew. 

Monday morning we had coffee morning in the garden for the first time this year. It was warm enough most of the time, chilly a little of the time and trying to rain a couple of times. It was nice though not to be so many in our dining room as it gets so noisy. It did rain for some of the afternoon so we definitely were lucky. 
NeighbourA brought over her husband's jumper that he had splashed with bleach to ask if there was a way I could repair it. I do have fabric paints but told her they didn't seem to do well over bleach. She said she'd try to sew over the stains with a dark grey thread. 

Tuesday morning I pulled out all my old kit to see what I still had. You might think it odd that I needed to check but I had been a Tri-Chem sales demonstrator/teacher in 1983! It was run as party plan so I worked evenings after Hubby got home from work. I did really well and during my four years with them I rose to their second level manager and recruited quite a few into my team. As a craft person I was doing a job I really enjoyed. 

I popped over to friendA's who had already tried stitching it all but as that wasn't successful I said I'd give it a go. 
It took me quite a while to unpick her tiny tiny stitches. As well as embroidery scissors and tweezers I needed to double up my specs and use the magnifying stand with the spot light on. I managed to get the tips out of old paint tubes (they should work like ball point pens but don't anymore)  and had to mix two to get a reasonable colour match. 
I'm quite pleased with the result. Now it will be a wait and see how it survives being washed. 

I hope you've had the really good weather we have had as the rest of our week had been a lot of garden, Hubby gardening (needing two tip runs) and me mostly wandering round, fish watching by the pond, and generally relaxing.

Strawberries and cream anyone?


Michelle said...

Our clotted cream had gone mouldy :-(. Will have to get more :-).

Impressive jumper rescuing and busyness as usual!

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Wow clotted cream would all be eaten in this house long before it had a chance to go mouldy!

Anonymous said...

We’d ended up in a cycle of having to make scones to use up cream and then buy cream to use up scones!

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Hahaha sounds the perfect excuse that I'll definitely use myself in the future :-)