Friday, 4 July 2014

One gone but all back.....

Well R went home and actually I can't really remember what we did over the weekend, just the usual housework stuff I think. Sunday evening Hubby went off to Kentwell in my car to bring our Tudor campers home. They unhitched the trailor tent on our drive then went home.

Monday morning and hubby was outside bright and early moving the camper to the sunniest spot and opening it up to dry out. Daughter arrived back with my car loaded with all the family and towing the old caravan she's been given. M mostly spent the day upstairs "at work", the three children mostly spent the day on the sofa with laptops, Hubby and Daughter spent their day emptying out the now dry camper and closing it up, then pressure washing and scrubbing and toothbrush-in-the-nooks-and-crannies cleaning the caravan which ended up looking sooo much better. I seemed to spend my time running around after everyone else, getting lunch sorted and cleared away and getting the washing out the camper done for Daughter and making the teas of course.

Tuesday......they were all here again, which was lovely but I can't actually remember if there was a reason or not???

Wednesday on O's request we went shell hunting (he wants to add to my wall) so having been a bit disappointed by the lack of shells on Felixstowe beach we headed to Shotley beach as recommended by friendA. We didn't actually head out till quite late but thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the afternoon and collected loads, plus Daughter used loads to create a labyrinth artwork to leave there (I hope people enjoy it).

...then heading home with O totally distraught when he realised he'd left his 50p coin on the sand and we couldn't go back to look for it, we had of course offered to look after it for him but he had insisted on keeping it so a tough lesson learnt :-( 
So to lighten the mood we stopped at our local farmers food hall/garden centre/restaurant as they have a huge bouncy pillow that O loves, they were also given the choice of one refreshment thing each so small box of biscuits for O, ginger beer for R, choc chip icecream cone for E and tea for Daughter and me plus a flapjack with mine. Then they dropped me at home and not long later I was out again to meet my usual crowd for a pub meal where I got drenched by s full glass of white wine knocked over by friendM yuk yuk yuk.

Thursday started with all my night before clothes going through the wash so they no longer smelt like a vineyard. Later O stayed here while E had a percussion lesson and after that Hubby was happy to entertain O while I  went to E's choir concert with Daughter. It was all running a bit late so home just in time to grab a very quick bite to eat then dash out to my art group evening.

Friday Daughter had to come over with O as her washing machine had died, three loads later they went home leaving about half of it still wet on the line. I'm going to see R at the theatre tonight (performing with the youth drama group she goes to) so I'll drop her dried laundry off when I drop off her daughter.

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