Sunday, 7 July 2013

The mini sleepover....

Our recent lodger R was back for the weekend as Daughter, E, O and D did their final two days in 1559 at Kentwell Hall.

We only really had Saturday together as her dad was driving up to spend Sunday with her. This also gave her the opportunity to give him his belated father's day present so just enough time to make a card to go with it.

And along with lots of Minecraft and some Starwars watching there was also a bit of this...

 And we both played this (I won)...

And we both did some of this...

R was out with her dad most of today and Hubby was at a fundraising event with SERV so I had the day to myself and spent most of it reading, a bit in the sun but mostly in the shade as it got too hot for me.


Hannah said...

It's just a bit too hot to be comfortable now, isn't it? It looks like you had a lovely time, though. I love the handmades!

MumB / @mumbosh said...

Thanks. Bit of a breeze just now, so I'll get a bit of gardening in early then back in the shade with my book I think :)