My favourite sign of autumn is definitely when our tulip tree turns gold.
Problem for me this week is an annoying and very persistent cough plus I've lost my voice down to a very croaky whisper, not ideal for a week with two hospital phone calls and two social evenings out. Hospital said this is probably another side effect as I've no other symptoms and done a covid test which was negative. Let's hope it's another temporary problem.
As friendM was on holiday on her big birthday there was a slight delay for us four to have a meal together to celebrate with her.
We ate at The Felixstowe pub we used to use so much in the past and that meant we could round off the evening at friendM's home to see the changes she had made there.
Wednesday our usual gang plus friendHS. Afterwards to the snooker club and us three girls chatted while all four men bonded at the baize and laughed which was good to see.
Not much else has happened, especially as I've lost a lot of sleep coughing, sorry Hubby!
So that's it, but if you couldn't hear me I'm happy to repeat myself.