Sunday, 28 December 2014
Chef-ing the leftovers.....
Like almost everyone else at Christmas we buy far too much food and cook far too much food just in case friends and neighbours drop in and the Christmas dinner would just be a roast without all the trimmings and extra courses.
So what about afterwards? We wouldn't actually mind eating leftovers for days on end but I have a large family and we have a family day here each year a few days after main event where everyone contributes to the buffet table and that's a lot of leftovers. This year Christmas day dinner was for seven and although family day saw the fewest number (for various reasons) so just 27 people and although some are children there were 9 families or couples all bringing food. I tried to get them to take lots of leftovers home but we were still left with lots.
So now the fridge and cake tins are full but so is the freezer.
Boxing day was the best ever bubble and squeak patties with cold turkey for our dinner.
I stripped the turkey carcass into two boxes of white meat sliced to thaw for sandwiches and made up four boxes of diced up turkey with the remains of the stuffing, carrots and sprouts (my boxes are mainly Chinese takeaway size). These boxes are labelled "thaw, mix, add gravy and top with mash" so I don't forget, each one plenty to make a meal for two.
The last of the vegetable soup, which had been our starter, is frozen into two single portions although the home made croutons that went with it was a breakfast for the birds.
Christmas eve I'd cooked a ham joint for that night and two bean loaves for the veggy option. Now the ham is sliced, boxed and frozen and the rest of the bean loaves cut into portions, individually wrapped and frozen.
I'd boiled up all the giblets for gravy stock and afterwards the liver, heart, meat from the neck and all the onions were blitzed to make a pate (but it definitely isn't thick enough so if you know how I should improve the consistency please let me know).
Two large fresh French sticks are now a dozen small garlic and herb slices frozen and about 16 individual pizza style things topped with the leftover onion and tomatoes salad I'd made covered with cheese, wrapped and frozen too.
E had made us a tray of brownies, as our Christmas present, that are really yummy, but with so much cake brought for the buffet I didn't want the brownies to be forgotten or not truly appreciated so I've frozen half the trayfull for when we are cakeless.
The fridge is still full, and we have a big fridge, but I'm sure we'll get through it without too much wasted. Tonight we'll use up the last of the pigs in blankets and cocktail sausages with eggs, beans and other stuff to make a bit of an all day breakfast (hubby's favourite sort of dinner).
And you'll be pleased to know that the mountain of chocolate bought for us is out of sight and should last us a very long time if we keep forgetting about it.
As yet uneaten and proudly on display is my "ginger bread ruin" that O made as my present.
So for now I'll happily avoid the kitchen and new years eve is already decided as sharing Chinese takeaway with friendsP&A next door.
Monday, 15 December 2014
Sunday, 7 December 2014
2014 reading......
The 3 Mistakes Of My Life by Chetan Bhagat
eBook. Free download as pdf on the Playbook.
Started 1/1/2014 - finished 31/1/2014
This is all about cricket and even though that has no interest for me the story that weaves round it held me. The opening was amazing and intriguing and the rest highlights Indian culture, religious differences and conflicts and relationships between young and old and the young with each other. I found it an excellent read.
Frugal Stuff That Works by Elaine Collins
eBook. Free download to Kindle reader on the Playbook.
Started January 2014 - unfinished
An ongoing dip-into book of hints and tips on saving and not wasting money.
Can't really comment on this as I keep forgetting to go back to it, oops!
eBook. Free download to Kindle reader on the Playbook.
Started January 2014 - unfinished
An ongoing dip-into book of hints and tips on saving and not wasting money.
Can't really comment on this as I keep forgetting to go back to it, oops!
Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild
Paperback. Has been on the shelf with the children's books for ever and I realised I'd never read it, tut tut.
Started 4/3/2014 - finished 11/5/2014
A really easy and quick read (yes quick, I had lots of interruptions including a holiday). Lovely details creating the images of their lives and relationships. Children's books are definitely not just for children hahaha. Got R to read it too and she enjoyed it.
Paperback. Has been on the shelf with the children's books for ever and I realised I'd never read it, tut tut.
Started 4/3/2014 - finished 11/5/2014
A really easy and quick read (yes quick, I had lots of interruptions including a holiday). Lovely details creating the images of their lives and relationships. Children's books are definitely not just for children hahaha. Got R to read it too and she enjoyed it.
Inside Out & Back Again by Thanhha Lai
Paperback. Lent to me by Daughter after her and R both read it.
Started 21/3/2014 - finished 23/3/2014
Just a year in the life of a 10 year old girl from normal to post war refugee. Written through her eyes in freeform poetry I found it very emotional.
Paperback. Lent to me by Daughter after her and R both read it.
Started 21/3/2014 - finished 23/3/2014
Just a year in the life of a 10 year old girl from normal to post war refugee. Written through her eyes in freeform poetry I found it very emotional.
The Italian Job by Nick Earls
eBook. Free download to Kindle reader on the Playbook.
Started 12/4/2014 and finished an hour(ish) later on the flight to Rome.
Not the best written work but an unusual amusing story line, about a hired driver called Mal (old man) and his PR passenger (young woman) driving between publicity events, which made it a fun short story.
eBook. Free download to Kindle reader on the Playbook.
Started 12/4/2014 and finished an hour(ish) later on the flight to Rome.
Not the best written work but an unusual amusing story line, about a hired driver called Mal (old man) and his PR passenger (young woman) driving between publicity events, which made it a fun short story.
Shut Up and Kiss Me by Christie Craig
eBook. Free download to Kindle reader on the Playbook.
Started 17/4/2014 - finished 23/4/2014
Just about OK as a very light holiday read but far too corny, so many unbelievable events all happening at the same time to the same people and ending with a totally predictable happy ever after to all three couples.....don't think me saying that spoils any surprises!
eBook. Free download to Kindle reader on the Playbook.
Started 17/4/2014 - finished 23/4/2014
Just about OK as a very light holiday read but far too corny, so many unbelievable events all happening at the same time to the same people and ending with a totally predictable happy ever after to all three couples.....don't think me saying that spoils any surprises!
Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
Paperback that's been on my "to read" shelf for ever.
Started 24/6/14 (while R had her drumming lesson) - never finished, gave up 6/12/14.
Paperback that's been on my "to read" shelf for ever.
Started 24/6/14 (while R had her drumming lesson) - never finished, gave up 6/12/14.
I can't remember the last book I ever gave up on, I'm always of the opinion that it may get better on the next page, but I've tried so hard with this one and it just got worse! Bizarre religious extremes imposed on a child making her a total freak within her own community just ain't my thing.
Have to say I'm not reading books very much at the moment, I seem to relax reading other people's blogs and playing Words-With-Friends online as I'm trying to sit less and move more (not working yet). So as I'm not going to start another book this year I'll post this now.
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Christmas, crafting and eating.......
Another Christmas craft I've started but sort of abandoned is this...
No proper tutorial to link to for this as it was shown to me by a friend. Start with card cut to any size with a ratio of 3:1 then score in thirds and zig-zag diagonal (as you can just about see from this photo). Secure beads onto the corners to stop the threads slipping off and fold into the hexahedron shape and secure with tape then wind with embroidery thread securing with pva glue. And what you see above is as far as I've got, but they will hopefully hang on the tree next year ;o)
Art/Craft wise I've also been painting t-shirts. These are very old plain tops that have long been splashed with cooking grease etc so with some very old (35+ years) fabric paints that I was amazed still worked I'm giving them a makeover. Pink one is done (needs ironing) and the yellow one in progress!
The Christmas cards are all done and the presents are half way, as I needed to get a bit ahead of myself due to a day in hospital yesterday for a minor op and a slow day today which was recommended but actually apart from an uncomfortable throat I'm feeling fine :o)
Glad it's over with and I wouldn't have changed the date, however, my biggest disappointment was that I had to miss E's end of term concert yesterday and R's Christmas drama performance this morning.
And the Christmas dinners of course.....been booking and organising one for my old work mates on 22nd, pre-ordering and paying for another with the usual gang on 17th, lunch on the 9th with old college friends, had the first one last Thursday with friends and one other lunch in the diary too for 12th, but unfortunately should have had one tonight which we've cancelled as that friend is unwell.
Hubby has also now booked his Sainsbury's delivery slot for 22nd so I'd better get on with sorting out the shopping list. Ho ho ho!
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Christmas craft upcycle......
Had to confess to some procrastination today when I should have been doing some ironing!
Found this on Pinterest and couldn't resist having a go.
Plastic icicles links to the original tutorial I followed.
I did make a batch of chutney at the same time so quite a fun productive day with minimal ironing.
Friday, 28 November 2014
Not really filling the gap....
Long gaps between posts isn't good or what I intend to happen but rest assured life is plodding along here as usual although sometimes I guess I just can't be bothered to write it down. ;-)
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Spooky and scary....
Halloween was the spooky. Midweek they were here pumpkin carving and the seeds got roasted, some savoury and some sweet.
Then they actually had their own party on Friday night but came here for "Halloween the sequel" on Saturday. No photos I'm afraid but we ate swamp stew, followed by gravestones in slime washed down with magic potion then out to the garden as we'd noticed some of the witches must have had a sleepover and were on their way home with broomsticks overloaded with goodies that they kept dropping!
O is going through that phase of questioning the reality of many things, but running round the garden with his torch shouted out excitedly "I knew witches were real".
Needing the hospital again was the scary! I've had a problem since just before the pre-booked CT Scan which worried me but thankfully the scan came back clear so the thought that the cancer had returned was eliminated with great relief. However tests and explorations have shown there is a polyp in my cervix which needs removal. Just had the date through for 5th December as a day patient. I had this procedure three years ago and seriously hoping it's not going to be a regular thing! Anyway, nothing sinister just another of life's hiccups.
Any my favourite de-stresser just now is to make another bag...
Monday, 27 October 2014
A big behind....
...on this blog!
There's been no more DIY disruptions to report on as our next door neighbours have had a new drive laid so Hubby had been there for some of the digging out prep and helping to load the skip. He really can't sit still.
For me there's been lots of creating recently with knitting and crochet and sewing. BFriendM has a big birthday today and I've made her three handbags to go with the handbag organiser. Couldn't post photos of them before in case she saw and spoilt the surprise.
I was really pleased with them' just wish I was a better photographer ;o)
FriendT had her monthly crafters gathering at the 'busy bungalow' where it's mostly chat and some crafting but lots of swapping knowledge and ideas. Last time I swapped my baby ball pattern with FriendP's scarf pattern (that she designed herself).
I do have 'blocking' issues though as the edges roll even after wet blocking twice (second time in case I hadn't rinsed it enough and added some softener. I've tried steam blocking once before and managed to flatten what I'd knitted completely as I haven't got a decent steam iron so won't do it that way again. I'm really happy using the cheapest acrylic yarn I can find if it's not for clothes, which is probably part of the problem but there must be a solution so any suggestions gratefully received.
Last week also saw me reliving my motorbike terrors, when R went on her maiden ride with Granddad! She used Daughter's crash helmet and bought her own leather jacket off ebay. I waved them off through gritted teeth.
She loved it! E wants to ride too, so fingers crossed we get another sunny day when she has the time.
Did hear this week that our gardener has finally decided to retire at the end of this year (he's 72) so I guess I'll have to do a bit more out there as Hubby hates the general keeping tidy jobs and only enjoys all the big stuff, whereas my favourite bit out there is just to sit back and admire everyone else's hard work hahahaha
Yesterday we joined BFriendM's family to celebrate her birthday. So special being included as family. Today I'm meeting up with a friend from my youth (yes that long ago) and we managed to find each other on facebook and meet up for the first time nearly four years ago and this is our earliest opportunity to do it again.
My diary seems quite full from now till the end of the year so from a big behind to plenty in-front.....or is that just me!!!
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Is no carpet safe? .......
A problem under our bed which turned out to be because the middle caster sits right on the join in the floor boards, so a big dent in the board and a hole in the carpet. Made worse no doubt by small children using the bed as a trampoline.
Furniture moved
Carpet up
Floorboard up
Support struts added
New floorboard out of the loft
Cut to size (wrong way up)
Cut to size take2
All screwed down
Carpet back
All furniture back
Bed made and final vacuuming and you'd never have known he'd been there!
Monday, 13 October 2014
Constant status material.....
I'd meant to blog this sooner but as I'd actually put all these photos on my facebook page as it happened it seemed like I'd done it already.
I'm talking about last Friday when Daughter rang early to ask if O could come here for the day as he didn't want to go to the HE group they were going to. As we had nothing else planned I said yes and he was thrilled and arrived with wet hair as he'd rushed out of the shower to get here.
We started the day with breakfast (although he'd already had a large breakfast at home) and O wanted to cook pancakes. He's not totally sure about my hob so he did all the batter mixing and sorting out what toppings to have and ordered two thin ones for sugar and lemon juice and a thick one for cream. I couldn't believe he ate the lot. I only had two thin ones :o)

Keep trying to format these photos but they only like being in the middle, think I need a full blogger tutorial. he picked up a large feather from the pot of large feathers (doesn't everyone have one?) and asked if I had ink as he really wanted to do some writing with a quill pen. Well I didn't have ink but he was happy with some thin paint. He wrote his name beautifully and drew some shapes then as it was paint and quite wet he kept folding the paper over to make reflected prints.
Then all too soon that activity came to an end and he tore the paper up, guess he was just happy having done it.
"Grandma, have you some bi-carb and vinegar? I need to show you how to make a volcano."
After clearing this lot up we went upstairs to brush his hair (he'd arrived with wet hair which was dry now) and spent a while checking out the very large collection of hair brushes I have and putting them in order along the bed of which was the softest and which was the hardest and working out which got out the tangles best and which scratched your head. He also had a major trampoline bounce on my bed doing seat drops over and over. There's another DIY post coming soon that has a direct link to this!
My facebook status then read 'All previous posts were O keeping busy while his chocolate bread was proving'.
As soon as we started making the pancakes O asked if he could also make bread and he wanted to make chocolate bread. He's never actually made bread before so I explained to him that making bread takes a very long time so we need to start it straight after we'd eaten our pancakes and then we'd need to find other things to do while we did all the waiting that was needed. He weighed out the ingredients and did all the mixing and kneading in the Kenwood and we discussed all the processes and why. Then we covered the bowl and left it to prove for an hour "What a whole hour? That is a very long time!" and he checked with me about every ten minutes how much longer to go, then at about 20 minutes to go he set the timer which seemed to relieve him of a big burden.
We'd discussed how he wanted to add the chocolate and he thought the big jar of Nutella would be perfect but wanted to experiment with some having the chocolate inside like he has eaten before and some with it all mixed that's what we did. He let me do the spread and rolled loaf and he mixed the other one in the machine and then did the last kneading by hand. We each chose our tins and lined them (didn't line the sides of the round one which was a big mistake) and O was very keen to get them into the oven but knew he had to wait another hour for them to double in size so reluctantly set the timer again.
They were actually very successful although the mixed in one didn't hold much chocolate flavour. The three of us enjoyed some of each and O proudly took the rest home at the end of the day.
So I cleared up the kitchen yet again from bread making and from lunch. Our window cleaner then arrived and at first O followed him around the upstairs from inside watching him the whole time, then downstairs and then he put on his shoes and headed out and he chatted to our lovely window cleaner for ages, then when our windows were done he came in.
Next I knew O shoes on, kept running out the front door and in through the back door, shoes off and up the stairs, then down again and out and round and up again over and over for about four or five times. When I went to investigate it turned out that Hubby had him testing all the outside cameras by waving at them then coming in to watch himself on the that is a good way to wear out a five year old :o)
While upstairs O found the bathroom scales and was weighing himself and other stuff, then brought them down and added my two sets of kitchen scales, interested that one was mechanical not digital, then weighed lots of other stuff working out what was too heavy for the kitchen scales and what was too light to register anything on the bathroom scales.
When he was telling me about his big money box that he can't wait to smash once it is full he asked if there were any jobs he could do for money to help fill his money box. I said he could dust and vacuum which is what he did. But O never does anything for long so he got 30p which worked out to a rate of about 5p a minute hahahaha.
He and I sat for a read of a book he'd found on the shelf but didn't remember ever seeing before, but one book was enough sitting still for O. And after that he moved on to building towers with Granddad in bricks to knock down with marbles. Building marble runs with cardboard tubes and then he got out the Jenga by which time both his grandparents were definitely slowing down!
We only had one not so good moment when he threw something he shouldn't have and it narrowly missed hubby and the glass in the door, so hubby shouted at him and he ran out of the room but actually came back very soon after and apologised without being asked to, so we were very proud of him. So a very good day had by all :o)
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Theatre: Champions of Magic....
Yes back to our lovely local theatre again, The New Wolsey in Ipswich, but not for a play.
This time was specially for our mini magician O, together with Daughter and R (E away this weekend) a last minute decision and on a very wet Saturday afternoon the perfect place to spend it was at the Champions of Magic show.
Join our award winning team of tricksters, swindlers and cheats for a spectacular night of mystery you'll be trying to work out for a very long time to come.
Audiences will witness mastery of card manipulation, death defying stunts, mind boggling sleight of hand and spectacular illusions from some of the foremost performers in magic include:
Fay Presto - Queen of Close-up
Alex McAleer - Master Mind Reader
Edward Hilsum - Magic’s Latest Sensation
Young & Strange - Grand Illusionists
Champions Of Magic includes 5 world class, award winning entertainers performing everything from stage filling illusions to magic right in the palm of spectators’ hands. Along with a live video feed, fiery pyrotechnics and stunning lighting, the show is an immersive experience in the art of magic.
As Daughter said on our way home, "We watch a lot of magic and how it's done because of O's interest to learn, so we know where to look for the sleight of hand and understand how a lot of the equipment works", but even so I think this stage show had a lot of WOW factor. Fay Presto did a lovely set with a little girl from the audience, with them both just sitting on the front of the stage doing a rope trick. Edward Hilsum wonderfully conjured doves from silk scarves and obviously loves his birds, he also did some really close up coin tricks and had the audience laughing with finger exercises! Young & Strange were a complete contrast with major equipment and lots of silly banter between them. My favourite was Alex McAleer who not only amazed us all with his mind reading tricks but had a really comfortable stage presence and direct use of the audience.
During the interval Alex prepared a trick in the foyer by getting people, including R and O, to fill in cards to seal in envelopes then lock away into a box for a member of the audience to guard until needed and I believe Fay meanwhile was conducting some close up magic up in the bar area.
After the show that had held in a spell our five year old (rest of us too) he insisted on pushing his way through the crowd in the foyer to collect a signed poster and tell Young & Strange "I do magic!"
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Theatre: Private Peaceful....
Private Peaceful, at The New Wolsey Theatre, performed by just one man, Andy Daniel.
By / Michael Morpurgo (Author of War Horse)
Adapted & Directed by / Simon Reade
Private Peaceful relives the life of Private Tommo Peaceful, a young First World War soldier awaiting the firing squad at dawn.
During the night he looks back at his short but joyful past growing up in rural Devon; his exciting first days at school; the accident in the forest that killed his father; his adventures with Molly, the love of his life; and the battles and injustices of war that brought him to the front line.
Winner of the Blue Peter Book of the Year, Private Peaceful is by third Children’s Laureate, Michael Morpurgo. His inspiration came from a visit to Ypres where he was shocked to discover how many young soldiers were court-martialled and shot for cowardice during the First World War.
We went to the matinee of this as the whole week at the Wolsey is a sell out. We were joined by at least two very large and very noisy school groups. This brilliant actor held the stage and his whole audience for the full 1hour 40mins, the children were all quiet. He didn't even break the spell at the interval by not leaving the stage, just laying on his bunk resting.
I found it so powerful and moving that I had to stand to applaud, my friends stood too.
I was also compelled to write a review on the theatre's website and then tweet the actor and the theatre as soon as I got home...
Today's matinee of Private Peaceful is probably the most powerful performance by a solo actor
I have ever seen. In fact he wasn't acting he was truly living the part and we all lived it with him!
Thank you.
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
He's at it again.....
Hubby and DIY!
He had now got the carpet up and doors off in the girls' room (used to be Daughter's room but now R & E's room).
The problem
Since building the new kitchen there was always his little nagging thought that the cooker hood was a bit noisier than it should be.
The plan
To take up the carpet and floorboards above the cooker hood and see what can be done.
The solution
To adjust the concertina pipe inside and add some insulation around it to eliminate vibration and muffle the sound.
The result
Definitely a bit quieter extraction, especially if you happen to be in bed while someone else is cooking ;o)
The bonus
A happy chappy for a little while..............he's off to play with the pond pump filter today!
Monday, 29 September 2014
A year and a centenary.....
Hard to believe that my op was a year ago! I've just had another full body CT Scan and I'll get the results when I see the consultant on 7th October. Can't help feeling a bit nervous till then but so pleased that they are still keeping a close eye on me.
Daughter and E are Tudors again for a few days, it's Michaelmas at Kentwell Hall, and the other three children are staying at home with M so hubby is doing the taxi service for R to and from her drama group.
Saturday evening we joined our neighbours at a local quiz night/social evening and we won the quiz yaay! There was a huge buffet, a chap singing most of the evening and a couple of entertainment interludes. All good fun.
Unfortunately I had stomach pains and very little sleep that night. I hope it wasn't anything on the buffet or others might have suffered too.
Anyway not wanting to let down bilA we went ahead with our Sunday as planned.
We drove to Newbury Park and collected bilA at about 11am (ish) then drove right into London as there is no congestion charge at the weekend, and parked at a multi-story right near Tower Hill station which is only £2 for the whole day! And just across the road from the car park is the Tower Of London, the most beautiful, powerful, historic site in the whole of London in my opinion. I grew up and went to school near here and we often chose the Tower as a meeting place for friends (it was mostly free then).
Sorry for the poor photos, the sun was right in front of me :o(
There are still lots of volunteers adding to the display which will keep growing until remembrance day on 11th November when they will be sent out to the millions of people that have bought one.
The weather was really hot, see so many people in t-shirts, and it's nearly the end of September!
Of course we had a 'Costa' stop then a walk around and stopped again outside a tapas bar on St Catherine's Dock where the men had beers and a light lunch and I had a glass of water!
Unfortunately, not feeling my best, I asked if we could cut the day shorter than we hoped it would be, so drove back to bilA's where Hubby had another cuppa then off home.
I did just manage half a cup of tea and one slice of toast then had a really early night and had a late(ish) morning and felt a whole lot better.
In case there is any confusion I had posted this once and two comments had been added then blogger lost it......then I found a half saved draft version!!! I think I've remembered roughly what I put the first time. So with fingers crossed I'll post this again.
Friday, 26 September 2014
Testing the memory.....
Seems ages since I've written, probably because I still can't get blogger to work on my playbook and the phone is just a tad too small to make it I've given in and now on the pc at a desk rather than curled up on the sofa! Hopefully I can remember back to what's been happening!
Hubby has had a lot of on-call nights for the blood running volunteering he does for SERV Suffolk and Cambridge, he's done a few late night call-outs but mostly it's just on standby. He's also had another full training day with them which I think happens yearly.
Hubby has also continued with the "getting our trees into good order" project. If you look carefully you can see two men up very high into our beech tree (top monkey is hubby). This tree is under preservation order so lopping has to be done discretely (*wink*)!
On the third Thursday of every month my neighbour holds a crafters gathering. This time I took along the baby ugg-style-boots and ball I'm making for my friend's first grandchild due imminently.
That night was also our art night and I'm attempting to paint some tshirts with products I used to sell but are now about 30 years old....amazed they hadn't dried up completely! The painted designs will hopefully cover up the greasy marks that won't wash out, so if the painting works I've upcycled some tshirts if it doesn't I haven't lost anything as they'd have hit the bin anyway. So if you never see a finished photo on here you'll know why ;o)
FriendsA&K made a flying visit as K had an appointment at my local hospital and live an hour's drive away. So I made them lunch which was nothing compared to what they had brought with as my belated birthday present.....a huge sponge cake and two large foil trays, one with Dauphinoise Potato and the other with Jugged Hare. Hubby and I had half that night for dinner and froze the rest for another night. Neither of us had eaten jugged hare before and it was delicious, probably due to the amount of red wine it was cooked in!
Last weekend we took advantage of the surprisingly warm-for-September weather and joined Daughter and children for a walk by the River Orwell. Unfortunately the walk started badly when O knocked himself on the car and hurt his tummy and then ended abruptly when it started raining, but it was lovely to get out even for a short while and the cars were parked at the Suffolk Food Hall so O got a quick bounce on their outside giant inflatable pillow and then all inside to choose nice things to take home for lunch.
(O holding his waistband away from his sore tummy but he soon forgot about it)
On Monday BFriendM and I enjoyed a spa day, we had bought it months ago when it was on special offer but found it really hard to fit in a day we could both do, so this was finally the day. We spent the whole time there in our swimsuits covered by towelling robes and made good use of the pool, sauna, steam room(too hot for me), jacuzzi, aromatherapy room(neither of us could feel the point of this one) and sun loungers, add to that the luxury of a facial each, teas and coffees and a lunch. Felt really spoilt and both agreed we must look out for future offers. Sadly Hubby didn't have the same sort of day as he had a funeral to attend of someone he had known for a long time at bowling.
Tuesday evening BFriendM and I ate out again, this time at the Mexican Chiquito as I had a £10 voucher. Should have been three of us but FriendH couldn't make it. And Wednesday night I ate out with BFriendM yet again with our usual Wednesday gang at our usual table in our usual pub in Felixstowe.
Wednesday afternoon we had O here while the girls went sailing for the first time, he has a cold and he's too young for the sailing so would have to hang around a lot and he was definitely not in the mood. He spent lots of time making drinks for himself and tea for us, I'm only allowed to pour the boiling water and he has to do the rest himself.
Thursday Daughter popped over so that Hubby could fix E's laptop which was misbehaving which he did by just giving it evil looks I think. So E spent the rest of the time on her laptop! When R arrived she was a few pages into a new book that she needs to read for a book club they are about to join. She snuggled down into her Granddad's side and read, we hardly got a word out of her, she read, and left here with just a few pages left to read less than three hours after she'd started! O wanted to do any science in a jar, so Daughter popped out to buy cream (and cakes for afternoon tea) then showed O how to make butter in a jar (she had to do most of the shaking) and I showed him how to make a tornado in a jar. And last night I went to the theatre as previously blogged.
Phew, think that's about it and a busy few days ahead so must get back here more often!
Theatre: Midsummer Songs......
Excellent performance last night that the three of us all enjoyed. Well done Wolsey!
Book and Lyrics by / Peter Rowe
Music by / Ben Goddard
“Wherever we are in 25 years, we'll come back and create the B side”
Twenty-five years ago a group of friends celebrated the end of their university careers with a wild week in a barn half-way up a mountain in West Wales. A week of madness, mayhem and music, recorded on a C90 cassette and buried in a biscuit tin at the top of a hill with a pledge – “Wherever we are in twenty-five years’ time we’ll come back here on Midsummer’s Eve and create the B side”.
And now we see those old friends return, a little rounder, a bit more rueful but with their passion for life, love and music still smouldering inside.
As the biscuit tin gives up its secrets, old passions catch fire, past resentments return and the songs begin to fly. Will this reunion change their lives? Will the album ever be finished? And what on earth can they play that cassette on?
This brand new musical is a celebration of friendship, survival and the power of song, written especially for a company of multi-skilled actor-musicians in the New Wolsey house style; with music like the ballads of Joni Mitchell and the summer feel good fun of Mumford and Sons.
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Technology terrors again.....
Just one silly miss click and everything screws up!
I had an amusing little comment to make on someone's blog and typed it in, then clicked on the "send me follow ups to my email" box...then instead of clicking "publish" I mistakenly clicked on the "sign out" button grrrrrr. Annoying but no big deal I thought I'll just sign in again which worked fine for Google, Google+, my calender and my stored photos, documents, etc BUT on my playbook it won't open Blogger anymore! So I'm typing this on my little phone and having to keep scrolling around (so I'm not shut out completely).
I've tried clearing the cache and the cookies and the history, I've rebooted more than once, deleted the bookmark and tried typing in the url, and downloaded the BlackBerry Blogger app, and tried getting there the long way via Google+ having of course to reset all passwords on everything because of clearing the cache and cookies......No luck at all :-)
So I defrosted the freezer
Then made plum and onion chutney
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