Saturday 4 May 2024

Stupid Blip Amongst The Good.......

It was only last week we called out the British Gas engineer as the water wasn't heating up. He fixed it by replacing a worn out part (Hubby did tell me details but I can't remember what) he was at the boiler, up in the loft and in the airing cupboard and while he was here he did a service on the boiler as that will be due soon anyway. This Sunday morning I found my box of pills, which sit under the boiler and thankfully in a sealed plastic box, had a huge puddle in the lid. Hubby called British Gas and an engineer came the same morning. It turned out to be a small pipe that needed replacing and not caused by the previous engineer just coincidence. 

Lovely sunny Wednesday and Hubby took advantage by cutting back the hedge. Nice weather also brings out neighbours to chat. 
I had a lunch date with friendM and we never run out of conversation. 

Local election day Thursday. Not an easy decision this year. We always try to agree so Hubby and I vote the same, otherwise I feel we just cancel each other out so no point even going. 

Arrgghhhh I've lost count of the times I've said "if it looks too good to be true then it probably is" however I stupidly got caught without doing all my usual checks. It was an ad on Facebook that looked like it genuinely came from amazon and it was only £2 so if it turned out to be rubbish I haven't lost much. After doing all the order form and placing the order it told me a different name would appear on my statement. Amazon sell for all sorts of companies so I wasn't immediately suspicious but a bit later I was curious so went to Google....... it was definitely a scam, I'd get no product at all and they have my credit card details! Stupid! I've now cancelled my card and waiting for a new card to arrive (which was also a long story I won't bore you with).

Friday evening (while Hubby was home dog sitting) friendKK and I went to our local John Mills theatre. 

When we arrived there was an Irish band playing in the bar and we were told there will be a Ceili/Ceilidh after the play. 
The play was brilliant, two actors that worked so hard to bring so many characters to life for us. Humour and sadness together. 
And afterwards friendKK danced getting overheated with a roll neck jumper on and clomping a bit in her riding boots. I found watching very entertaining. 

Saturday 27 April 2024

I'm back.......

Did you miss me? 
Sorry couldn't post last week, technical hitch, I'll try to catch up soon, meanwhile this week....

Sunday seemed an endless day of washing (took four machine loads) and although it was dry and looked sunny it was still very windy, and to be honest I wasn't in the mood to fight with the pegging out and bringing in on a windy day, so it all went upstairs on the clothes horse in my craft room. 

Busy Wednesday started early with a visit to Specsavers. Hubby received his new specs and spent time having them fitted. I went straight to their hearing centre. Still too much wax in my right ear and their pad test showed some loss so continue with the olive oil spray and back in three weeks if clear enough I need the full test, if not they will clear it. As Hubby was waiting for me quite a while it gave him a chance to look around a lot and decide the peripheral vision wasn't as good as his previous pair, so back to see someone who checked everything and thought it was down to the curve in the frames, so she adjusted that, hopefully that's done the trick. 

Just time for cuppa at home then out again to meet friendsN&T and friendsV&N in West Bergholt for lunch. Food was great though we both tried not to eat too much. Really good to have a long catchup. 

We tried not to eat too much because we were out again in the evening. Our usual Prezzo which was almost empty, then The Grosvenor where we had trouble finding somewhere to sit as it was their open mic night. A few people are worth listening to but lots of them are dreadful. 

As with every year The Red Rose Chain Theatre Company are putting on their Theatre in the Forest for July and August. This year it's 
I will be going with Daughter&O and Son&fiancé in the first week. I'd mentioned it to some friends who were happy to come to Suffolk to see it, so I've booked six tickets (that even includes Hubby who is not a Theatre/ Shakespeare fan) in the third week and they will be sleeping over here afterwards. 

Hubby got a call from Daughter saying she'd lost a windscreen wiper blade while driving on the A12. She came over Friday morning and Hubby sorted that for her while we drank tea and enjoyed our chat. 

I received a hospital letter saying I'm due for my annual CT Scan so I've booked for a blood test next week as requested. I'm so grateful they are still keeping a check on me. 

And so another week has flown by. Hope you can pop by next week as, fingers crossed, I'll be here.

Saturday 13 April 2024

Enjoying Cheerful......

I promised a more cheerful post so let's start with our garden which is very cheerful at the moment. 
Birds are enjoying the new water feature with its little solar pump. The rockery behind it is now planted up and hopefully they will soon fill the space. 
The apple tree is blossoming (why did that pic load sideways?)
There is the promise of a large display of my favourite Lily of the Valley. 
I'm always reluctant to pull the rhubarb early as the large leaves look great, almost tropical, beside the pond. 
And lots of spring colour everywhere. 

Saturday evening we had Son's dog for the evening as Son and fiancé celebrated their 20th anniversary with a meal and theatre performance here in Ipswich. 

Pleased that at coffee morning quite a few of my "ready for the charity shop" books were taken by some neighbours. 

Wednesday we both went to Specsavers for eye tests (didn't seem two years since last time but it was). Hubby needed a slightly different prescription and ordered one pair for collection in two weeks. My prescription hasn't changed so I saved a lot of money not needing new specs, but a little disappointed as I had fancied a change of frames but couldn't really justify the huge cost just for a change. It was pointed out to me that the Macular Degeneration has got a little worse but still can't be treated. I was told to stay aware of any vision changes, eat plenty of green veg and possibly to take vitamin supplements specific for macula care. I'll need to check those with a pharmacists due to having CKD and all the meds I'm on. 
I also went to their hearing department. Lots of questions to answer first, then she looked in my ears and said the left ear has a little fresh wax but the right ear has a lot of hardened ear wax so they can't do the full test. I came away with olive oil ear spray to use till Hubby's next appointment in two weeks then they will check my ears again and make another test appointment if they are clear.  

Wednesday afternoon we had Daughter's dog here for a few hours. When Daughter came to pick her up she stayed for a cuppa. She told us that O was having his birthday party on Saturday evening for about 10 teens and they were all sleeping over. M was nominated as the responsible adult to stay at home and Daughter said she'd come here with the dog and sleep over night too. She says it's to keep the dog out of the way, however, 10 teens would make me want to escape too. Hahaha! 

Looks like it's going to be a warm and sunny weekend. 

Saturday 6 April 2024

Mostly About the Jab........

We enjoyed a lovely Easter Sunday dinner with Daughter, R and O. Sadly M has a dreadful cough so stayed home and Son and fiancé had other plans for this weekend. Dinner was a joint effort as Daughter doesn't eat meat so we bought and prepared the lamb joint and provided the gravy and custard, Daughter did a fancy potato dish, the veg and the apple and rhubarb crumble. Daughter also made a yummy dark fruit loaf for afternoon tea. They didn't stay late and all took a plant each when they left. 
As it was a bank holiday on Monday we had a very full and noisy dining room with our neighbours for coffee morning with three of them bringing extra special treats, mini egg Easter cupcakes, ferrero rocher chocolates and the yummiest home made ginger biscuits. I cannot deny eating far too many of those biscuits! 

Wednesday morning I had the first (of two) shingles jab. All was fine until going out that evening my arm was quite achy. I mostly sleep on my left arm which was fine but even the weight of the duvet on my right arm was painful so my arm came out, got cold, went back under, hurt, came out.... you get the idea. Up very early Thursday and had a lazy tired day. Back in two months for part two! Hubby and my friends only had one jab so guessing this two part vaccine is relatively new. Thursday evening I couldn't get warm, sitting in the lounge with two blankets and two hot water bottles and still shivering! 

Friday morning and my arm still hurts when I move it, so I'm not moving it unless I have to. I took two paracetamol before bed so slept much better. 
We met friendsL&K for a pub lunch, food was good as was the chat as always. FriendL has also had this two part shingles jab (her second part is next week) and said her symptoms were the same and horrid, she'd spoken to friendBR who said it had been the worst she'd reacted to any jab. So I was actually reassured that what I felt was normal. Still horrid though. 

I'm sure my arm will all be back to normal very soon, but sometimes it's good to have a little moan. I promise to find some cheerful stuff to share next week. 
Hope you have a cheerful weekend.

Saturday 30 March 2024

Weather For The Ducks........

It's mostly been a sorting week. Trying not to just put everything back into our bedroom without thinking if we still need it or if it still fits etc. One big bag went out for charity collection so far. 

Between all the showers Hubby has done a bit more towards the new water feature. Those rocks and dish are large and incredibly heavy and he did so well to move them from the other side of the garden. 

Easter takes on a new focus now the grandchildren are too old for egg hunts (have been for years), everyone prefers a healthier diet too so no longer want chocolate eggs..... apart from Hubby that is! 
So this year I decided to celebrate spring and Hubby and I bought a collection of plants to give the family instead. 
They can choose a plant each and any left over will go to start off our water feature rockery garden. 

Lovely lunch meet up with dear friendsR&S. We went to The Ship Inn at Levington and it was really busy but the staff were all super efficient and all the food yummy.

I hope you all enjoy this Easter weekend and the two Bank Holidays (although that doesn't really benefit us retired folk hahaha).

Saturday 23 March 2024

Sweet Dreams.......

Still talking about our bedroom and now onto our very large headboard. I'd rescued it once by adding this stripped fabric but that's looking scruffy now. 
I had an image in my head of a quilted vinyl/faux leather that would be comfortable for Hubby who sits up every night for a short while watching TV and would also be easy to wipe over....... but couldn't find anywhere local that sold it and I really wanted to feel it first so reluctant to buy it online.  
I settled on these two fabrics because I couldn't decide which would work best and they were cheap enough to be temporary as I'm sure I'll keep looking for what I really want. I made it as a slip cover so not wipeable but can come off to throw in the washing machine. 

Daughter came over and with Hubby they gave her car a complete valet inside and out. She needs to find a newer replacement before this one completely dies and hoped this may give it a slight chance of some part exchange value. 

These two boxes are in my craft room and were originally part of our bedroom suit in the previous house but not needed in our bedroom here. They make great storage and one is our laundry box, ideal as it's directly opposite the bathroom. As there's time before the new carpet is done and it's too wet for gardening Hubby has revarnished the tops and did a base coat on the rest. While we were thinking about what colour to paint them I thought as they are in my craft room I should try and do something a bit arty. 
It will be sometime after our bedroom is done and all the stuff is out of here and put back so watch this space as I'll share success or failure when they are done. 

Thursday and the carpet was fitted
Then we moved the bed and side tables in first. I was pleased with the covered headboard that matched in really well with the curtains. Bed made and ready for sleeping in. 
Hubby moved in the rest of the furniture but I'll take a bit longer bringing everything else back as it's the ideal opportunity to sort and not bring back anything we no longer need. 
A really good night's sleep was had by us both (especially me).

Lovely to report a successful week. Hope yours has been too.

Saturday 16 March 2024


Work in our bedroom is in full swing but I'll not bore you with each detail, hopefully there will be plenty to update you with by the end of the week. Meanwhile I'd like to share our beautiful camellia now in full bloom. 
And the beautifully scented hyacinths. 
A long time ago I'd found a crochet pattern for a more modern looking granny square that's tiny, so I thought I'd give it a go to help improve my very basic crochet skills. I'd made seven semi-successfully but found them quite tricky so was reluctant to do lots more to make into anything substantial, so the project got put aside. 
Recently I saw a small bag using squares and decided that I only needed to make three more pansy squares and three plain squares and all together they made this little summer bag. 
For the handles I made a cord from old jeans-seams to cover with the crochet which gave them structure. I'm always pleased not to have past efforts wasted. 

Lovely Mother's Day. Daughter came over with R and she'd bought me this great jug that's a really useful size. A friend of her's has opened her new pottery shop so Daughter and M had supported her by buying a mug and a jug.
Son and fiancé arrived soon after with my gift of shower gel and the Pandora heart charm. They also brought a vegan chocolate cake for us all to share. Later the four of us shared a yummy Chinese takeaway.  

Thursday Daughter's dog was here while she was working and she kept me company when Hubby met the guys for some snooker. Daughter finished work a little earlier than expected so she had time to fit in her run and then stay here for a cuppa and chat before taking the dog home. 

Bedroom update....
All the cracks have been filled, all the emulsion on ceiling and walls done twice each. All the gloss done on skirting, door frame and built in wardrobe frames. Almost odour free, then a quick sand down on the window sill and that coat of varnish was a nasty pong that filled the whole house and lasted for days! Curtain pole back up and the curtains too after they'd been through the washing machine and thankfully a dry sunny day so they went out on the line. We had a quick shopping trip and bought a new duvet cover and fitted sheet, 
but couldn't get a bed valance or ceiling light shade I liked or the coasters to go under the casters. I was also looking for some padded quilted vinyl to recover the headboard with but was disappointed there too. Hubby found the coasters at our local Wickes but I'm still looking for the rest. 
Nothing more we need to do in there until the carpet is fitted next Thursday. 

Enjoy your weekend.

Saturday 9 March 2024

Total House Upheaval......

We had talked about it for some time, but as Saturday was raining yet again and Hubby couldn't do the gardening he had planned, he decided that it was the perfect time to remove everything from our bedroom so it can be redecorated and recarpeted.

This was just before
and I'm guessing the end result won't look much different as Hubby couldn't decide on another colour so bought paint the same (I was really pleased), but there are a lot of wall cracks that need filling. It will save him repainting the radiator and furniture that are matching gloss. I do want to recover the headboard as I like the size but looking really scruffy, I'll look for fabric once we have chosen carpet. 

First he had to dismantle the two single beds in the 'girl's room' so furniture from our room could go in there and still be accessible. 

I stripped our bed and put the duvet and pillows along with lots of boxes for all the loose stuff covering the double bed in the 'what room'.

Thankfully we have a double sofa bed in the office and been told by R and Son it's really comfy. We will find out tonight and for however long this takes. 
Sunday morning 4:21am and I'm in the lounge leaving Hubby sleeping (sounds like Bug Brother). I found the mattress really uncomfortable! So now we have taken the thin mattress and topper from the sofa bed in my craft room and added that on top of the mattress in the bed downstairs. Hopefully we won't feel every spring poking all night. 
Monday morning and can report a much better night's sleep. 

Tuesday was Doggy Day Care, although for Son's dog I do very little little as she definitely prefers Hubby. 
Wednesday between first and second coat of ceiling painting we went out to choose carpet. This is the one we went for (it's a little lighter in reality than this photo). But you know me, of course there's a story going with this. 
There are two carpet shops side by side. 
     We went into Carpetright first and saw one we liked in their cheaper range (it's only a bedroom and about half of it will be covered by a king size bed and other furniture). Then next door into SCS where we found a carpet very similar colour for the same price with the offer of free fitting. We asked the salesman for a quote, he added underlay and calculated. I half jokingly said we'd bought another carpet from there not that long ago (remember the craft room refurbishment?) So do we get loyalty discount. He said no as it already has an offer. I asked about delivery, he said five weeks!!!! We are sleeping on the sofa bed and five weeks scared me. 
     Saying no doubt we would be back, we went back into Carpetright. Asked the chap there to quote for the one we'd seen first. Carpet, underlay and paying for fitting came out almost the same as their rival shop and delivery was five weeks too! However the salesman here then became totally proactive and found us another carpet in a more expensive range that was very similar in colour but actually felt more luxurious and he told us it was on 50% sale so slighter cheaper than our first choice and it was in stock so only two weeks wait, decision made. While he was completing the paperwork and booking the fitter I joked that next door should have given me the discount. This guy then said well as you compared and came back here I will give you a discount! Hubby and I left feeling very pleased. 

Wednesday evening out as usual and this week we wished safe journey to friendsH&H as they are heading back to the US for some months. 

Friday evening Daughter and Son took Hubby out for an Indian meal which was part of his promised birthday present. I don't like Indian food so it's a rare treat for him and having his children to himself. They stayed here for a cuppa and chat afterwards too.

Bedroom progress is ceiling and walls all painted, just some gloss to do on door frames and skirting. Most of the carpet has gone to the tip but old underlay still down. Fitted wardrobes have had doors removed and they are now standing with the room door in the what room. The wardrobe contents have been emptied and all our hanging clothes are now piled high on the craft room sofa leaving just enough space for the clothes horse so I can still get washing dry. I would have taken more photos but you can't get in these rooms any more to take them hahaha. 

Still a lot to do but I'm making sure Hubby doesn't work too hard. 
You'll get another update next week of course. 
Have a good weekend.

Saturday 2 March 2024

Ending With A March........

With all the spring flowers popping up it's easy to forget we are still in February, however Saturday's early morning frost and Sunday getting up at 6am to a thick fog was a reminder. 

Lovely visit from Daughter and O with the dog of course. O wanted to come over to raid our vinyl singles as E had left her record player when she moved out. E had already taken the few albums we had and now O has taken the shoe box of singles many from the 60s and 70s. Love that he has such a mixed appreciation of all music. 

Had to share this as it amused us both. 
There was a car we didn't recognise drive onto our drive that turned around then the driver got out looking puzzled. Hubby went out saying "are you lost?" He was deliveroo with hot food and couldn't find 69 Leicester Close, Ipswich (we are the final house top of the Close number 28). His English wasn't brilliant so Hubby helped out in the call back to the person that ordered..... turns out it should have been 69 Ipswich Close in Leicester, 140 miles away! 😂😂😂

Wednesday evening we ate Turkish, it was friendHS's birthday and his choice. So much food three of us asked for boxes to bring some home. 
He actually baked his own birthday cake to bring along and it was delicious.
Leap year day has a special memory for me. 1972 was a leap year. I met Hubby on the 14th February on the first day at my new job, yes his birthday although he was very hung over from the night before! By the 29th we were definitely a couple and I jokingly proposed. His reply was to wait and see and maybe by the next leap year day I could try again. Actually by then we'd been married just over two years!

Those tv weather experts said it had been the warmest but wettest February in East Anglia on record!  Then all of a sudden it was March!
Keeping everything crossed it gets dryer for a while.
Take care.

Saturday 24 February 2024

Pretty Average......

Just like his father....... when Son heard there was some tree tidying happening he was here to help, with his own long loppers, steps and chain saw etc. 
Then any excuse to climb up inside. 
They do work well together and I kept getting invited outside to give shaping advice. They didn't need my advice but it was nice to be asked. 

We had stayed available for dog sitting this week as Daughter and O were away, however as it's half term holiday here and R wasn't working and M was doing less teaching, so after last Friday they managed without us. Which meant I actually went out with Hubby two days running..... but nothing exciting hahaha. 

He's been looking for his preferred fish food but they haven't got the big tubs in yet locally so we drove to Capel Nurseries (only about 15 mins away) but they didn't have any either. While there I did manage to find three little plants to use as part of a gift. On the way home we stopped at Tesco and in their baby section I completed the gift before all the grocery shopping. 
He then ordered the fish food online. 

Next day I had the pleasure of a visit with him to the tip! Back seats down and my car had been completely full, mostly garden rubbish. Then onto Iceland as since the freezer had been run low to defrost and then some space loaned to a neighbour while their freezer was replaced it was looking very empty, not efficient use! It isn't empty any more. 

Out with our usual friendsM&P Wednesday night and the four of us managed to find a week in April we can all do for our next Spain holiday. FriendM will book the flights and hire car and we use her apartment. Looking forward to that. 

Hubby got called over to help Daughter with a plumbing conundrum. Just back from her holiday she immediately loaded the washing mashing and discovered when the cycle started by filling up the toilet upstairs overflowed! 😳 it made us laugh a lot, then Hubby got serious went over and fixed it as she knew he would. 

Hubby has scrubbed out this planter that we want for the water feature, but it needs a bit more prep before it can be used. 

So good to see the colours returning to the garden. 

And a lovely surprise Friday afternoon when Daughter, R and the dog arrived, having walked over. They couldn't stay long as R has work to do but it was lovely to have a cuppa and catchup before Hubby drove them home. 

Nothing planned for our weekend so let's see what happens. 
Enjoy yours whatever you do.