
Saturday 23 March 2024

Sweet Dreams.......

Still talking about our bedroom and now onto our very large headboard. I'd rescued it once by adding this stripped fabric but that's looking scruffy now. 
I had an image in my head of a quilted vinyl/faux leather that would be comfortable for Hubby who sits up every night for a short while watching TV and would also be easy to wipe over....... but couldn't find anywhere local that sold it and I really wanted to feel it first so reluctant to buy it online.  
I settled on these two fabrics because I couldn't decide which would work best and they were cheap enough to be temporary as I'm sure I'll keep looking for what I really want. I made it as a slip cover so not wipeable but can come off to throw in the washing machine. 

Daughter came over and with Hubby they gave her car a complete valet inside and out. She needs to find a newer replacement before this one completely dies and hoped this may give it a slight chance of some part exchange value. 

These two boxes are in my craft room and were originally part of our bedroom suit in the previous house but not needed in our bedroom here. They make great storage and one is our laundry box, ideal as it's directly opposite the bathroom. As there's time before the new carpet is done and it's too wet for gardening Hubby has revarnished the tops and did a base coat on the rest. While we were thinking about what colour to paint them I thought as they are in my craft room I should try and do something a bit arty. 
It will be sometime after our bedroom is done and all the stuff is out of here and put back so watch this space as I'll share success or failure when they are done. 

Thursday and the carpet was fitted
Then we moved the bed and side tables in first. I was pleased with the covered headboard that matched in really well with the curtains. Bed made and ready for sleeping in. 
Hubby moved in the rest of the furniture but I'll take a bit longer bringing everything else back as it's the ideal opportunity to sort and not bring back anything we no longer need. 
A really good night's sleep was had by us both (especially me).

Lovely to report a successful week. Hope yours has been too.


  1. So glad you're back in your bed and can sleep well again. Looks great!

    Headboard slip cover is a good idea. Make two for one in the wash/cupboard and one on? Then, when you've finished making the second one you'll find the perfect fabric you were originally looking for!
