
Saturday 24 February 2024

Pretty Average......

Just like his father....... when Son heard there was some tree tidying happening he was here to help, with his own long loppers, steps and chain saw etc. 
Then any excuse to climb up inside. 
They do work well together and I kept getting invited outside to give shaping advice. They didn't need my advice but it was nice to be asked. 

We had stayed available for dog sitting this week as Daughter and O were away, however as it's half term holiday here and R wasn't working and M was doing less teaching, so after last Friday they managed without us. Which meant I actually went out with Hubby two days running..... but nothing exciting hahaha. 

He's been looking for his preferred fish food but they haven't got the big tubs in yet locally so we drove to Capel Nurseries (only about 15 mins away) but they didn't have any either. While there I did manage to find three little plants to use as part of a gift. On the way home we stopped at Tesco and in their baby section I completed the gift before all the grocery shopping. 
He then ordered the fish food online. 

Next day I had the pleasure of a visit with him to the tip! Back seats down and my car had been completely full, mostly garden rubbish. Then onto Iceland as since the freezer had been run low to defrost and then some space loaned to a neighbour while their freezer was replaced it was looking very empty, not efficient use! It isn't empty any more. 

Out with our usual friendsM&P Wednesday night and the four of us managed to find a week in April we can all do for our next Spain holiday. FriendM will book the flights and hire car and we use her apartment. Looking forward to that. 

Hubby got called over to help Daughter with a plumbing conundrum. Just back from her holiday she immediately loaded the washing mashing and discovered when the cycle started by filling up the toilet upstairs overflowed! 😳 it made us laugh a lot, then Hubby got serious went over and fixed it as she knew he would. 

Hubby has scrubbed out this planter that we want for the water feature, but it needs a bit more prep before it can be used. 

So good to see the colours returning to the garden. 

And a lovely surprise Friday afternoon when Daughter, R and the dog arrived, having walked over. They couldn't stay long as R has work to do but it was lovely to have a cuppa and catchup before Hubby drove them home. 

Nothing planned for our weekend so let's see what happens. 
Enjoy yours whatever you do.


  1. They weren't tempted to use the new hand chainsaw? possibly too rough at cutting.

    The sudden new plumbing conundrum is baffling!

    And yes, I am also loving all the colours popping through at the moment.

  2. Oh new chain saw was used by them both, in fact I think they chose a different weapon for every branch hahaha
